Friday, December 26, 2008

Double Birthday Celebrations

Ni la besday Grandpa & Granddaughter

Apsl senget ni?

x best la pakai safety belt ni...buang leh? (Ibu Dina : agak x best posisi Dina dlm stroller ni..kene beli head support ni..cian anak ibu nih)

Nak bubuh ape dpn ni? Serabutkan pandangan jer. (Adiah besday dr Ibu & Ayah utk Dina....Tuk & Opah pn ade bg adiah besday kat Dina..best2)

Potong kek...

Ni lak tiup lilin..punyelah byk lilin nye....

Posing sblm lilin ditiup..

Ni lah kek nye...

Alamak! Gambo2 di atas tidak mengikut turutan yerr...Gambo2 tu menunjukkan sambutan besdday Tok Dina yg ke 55 tahun dan Dina yg ke 4 bln... Sambutan diadakan pd 23 Disember 2008 yg lps...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Berhari Raya Haji Bersama Iman Irdina

Caye Iman Irdina nak mengucapkan "Camart Ari Laye"...

Ni Uchu Caye...sape lg comell?? (Uchu caye ni single n available tau)

Ni lak ibu caye yg caye kasihi....(Ayah ade kat Kuching...caye sayang Ayah gak)

Tuk caye lak bg duit laye pg2 lg time caye best duit laye pn nk amik gambo...Ikhlas ke x ni? Hik hik

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha

Memule skali nk ucapkan Alhamdulillah sbb dgn rahmatNya, aku still bernafas n boleh menyambut Hari Raya Haji kali ni...walaupun berhadapan dgn situasi yg agak janggal n berbeza...namun aku least aku lebih beruntung dari mereka2 yg tidak dpt berhari raye.

Hari Raya Haji aka Hari Raya Korban ni...mmg benar2 menuntut pengorbanan kami sekeluarga. Aku n Irdina di Trg...manakala hubby lak beraye sorg2 kat Kch...Pilu pn ade...sedey pn ade...hati terdetik..bila lah agaknya kami akan terlepas dr dugaan ini...bila lah agaknya keluarga kami dapat bersatu dan sama2 berasa detik susah sng...tangis tawa...

Aku sedar yg aku byk menyusahkan keluarga...hubby n Irdina especially...if not becoz masalah aku dgn pekerjaan aku selama ini...confirm kami sekeluarga telah bersatu dan hidup aman aku redha dgn ketentuan Allah ni...Besar harapan aku agar biarlah masalah ini berlalu..dan sinar2 bahagia dan bersama menjengah hidup kami sekeluarga...huhu

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha buat semua..Maap andai ada terlanjur kata, terkasar bahasa, tersilap langkah dan sebagainya...Yg baik itu dtgnya dari Allah dan yg buruk adalah dr aku sendri..huhu...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Video Irdina

Monday, December 1, 2008

Irdina's Monthly Checkup

Today, Iman Irdina kene g Klinik Kesihatan Padang Air...besenye g Klinik KEsihatan Bukit klinik tu hanya dibuka kpd pesakit luar jer...sume ibu2 mengandung ngan kanak2 kene g Klinik Kesihatan Padang Air lak...

Cuaca? Ujan lebat yg tak henti2 sejak mgu lps lg...Irdina lak memakai baju singlet Fiffy yg dibelikan atuknya...sure korg tertanye2..x sejuk ke? welll...utk pengetahuan korg..Irdina tu xsuke pakai baju lengan pjg, seluar pjg, selimut, topi, sweater dll yg dikategorikan sbg membungkus tubuhnye habis2an...aiyooo...penat2 je Ibu n Ayah beli baju camtu takot die sejuk...last2..xmo pakai...

Smpi klinik kol 8.30 pg & dpt no giliran 23. Tunggu punya tunggu...punya tunggu..lame siottt...pkol 10.30 baghu masuk for checkup ngan imunisation...nangis la sket2 time kene inject kejap jer... Ni antara result checkup Iman Irdina since day 1 to 3 months old..

Date............................. Berat / Kepala / Tinggi
23/08/2008(1 day) .......... 2.15kg / 31.7 cm / 43 cm
26/08/2008(3 days)......... 2.175kg / n.a / n.a
07/09/2008(15 days)....... 2.75kg / n.a / n.a
12/09/2008(20 days)....... 3.00kg / n.a / n.a
06/10/2008(1 month)...... 3.8kg / 34.0 cm / 52 cm
03/11/2008(2 months).... 4.6kg / n.a / n.a
01/12/2008(3 months).... 5.4kg / 39.0 cm / 56 cm

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hepi Anniversary....

Today, 30th November 2008 is our 1st anniversary as husband & wife.... unfortunately, we can't celebrate coz sorg kat Kuching...sorg lg kat ganu...huhu

Hepi Anniversary to hubby.....moge hubungan kt kekal hingga akhir hayat...kekal bahagia dan gembira sentiasa..terutama skali dengan kehadiran Iman Irdina...cahaya mata sulung kite...Sayang sayang sgt kat abg...luv u millions milions n millions....nanti la kt tunda celebration kt tu ek...hehe

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Yeah wooo...tonite nk balik...but tonite transit di KL esk baru balik ganu...best2...ley jupe Irdina...hehe

Irdina sayang Ibu...tungguuu.... hak hak

suke nye....

tp sian lak kat ayah...kene tinggal...dakpe2..kekg ayah lak balik ganu.,..tungguuuu...


hopefully it doesn't take a long time.....huhu...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gempak Starz...

Apsl tajuk Gempak Starz?? Hak hak...mcm2 la gempak nye...

Smlm aku terima sms dr Munirisingam on 4.19pm selepas die terima kol dr lawyer aku
"i already fax the extension letter offer to yr lawyer which ended April 2007" - uiks..apsl bgtau aku...bgtau lawyer aku aa...saje je nk auta aku nih..hak hak...

pastu on 8.40pm, lagi ada msg dr Munir tuh "Hantar kunci rumah to my father house by tonite". cet, xpyh nk by tonite...aku dh bg kat isk dr ari jumaat lg dh...aku xnk ade ape2 kaitan dh ngan Munir nih...(cdt aku tgal 19 sen jelah...maleh den nk bls sms, buang cdt jer..utk emergency je nih...sobab dio lah eden mengalami masalah kewangan yg meruncing)

Alih2..pkol 9.28 pg td...Munir tu bg msg.."i am making a police report of the missingkey lot 110. if u are the last person who took the key, please return it before 10 am. Else you are responsible for the missing computer. i am at balai police making report now"

Cet...aku pn balas. (cdt emergency terpaksa digunakan) "Buat jelah, sy dh bg key tu pd isk pendek,memandangkan sy xtau mane rumah bapak awk, sekian, terima kasih, i x takut, sy x salah, silakan repot!" Ada ati nk kate aku curik komputer die...komputer yg tgal kat umah tu ntah hape2...silakan la...kekg aku lak wat police report...sbb memfitnah aku! cet! n aku sedar yg die nk jdkan bende nih...sbb die xtau mane nk sabitkan kesalahan aku...then die nk tuduh aku mencuri! patut ke??

pastu die balas..."Then u should reply my sms smlm. Tu pn kene ajar", aku kurang ajar lah? aku mengalami kekrangan cdt pn sbb ko..aku xperlu ko nk ajar aku! tau la aku nk idup gane...beside...u're not my boss idol anymore! bley blah!

pastu...dlm kol 12 lebih...kak eika, istri Munir ni...kol aku...tanye psl kunci tu...aku ckp mmg ade pd isk pendek dh..aku xtau umah bapak mertua die tuh..pastu die kate...ape cite ngan cmax ni? die lame dh x amik tau...xtau psl kecoh2 nih...kalu bley nk selesai cara baik..jgn sampai memutuskan silaturrahim laa...mcm2 laa...

Dalam ati aku...hotak ko! aku xtau nape aku xley ckp dpn2..dlm phone..mmg aku naturally gitu...sbb tu org sng nk perdajal aku...aku xkire dh kali nih...apa2 hal...kalu nk selesai elok2...then bayar gaji aku...n aku xnk ade ape2 connection dh ngan Cmaxzone (or should i say Cmaxshit)...aku xnk tau ape2 dh...aku nk tuntut hak aku...igt sng2 nk perkotak katik kan aku?? No no no....u're messing with wrong person! i'll take what's mine!

Kompom pasni Munir tu burukkan nama aku...kompom nye lah...I need to clear up my name...bese lah...skrg ni...sume org tau...Munir tu je yg baik n betul...aku salah..xpe2...we shall see...who's right...who's wrong...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Majlis Doa Selamat Iman Irdina

Gambo2 sepanjang Majlis Doa Selamat Iman Irdina di Kampung Tabuan Hilir bersamaan 22 Oktober 2008. MAjlis kecil kecilan jer...Enjoice!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Penganggur Terhormat....

Beginning last 3 days...i'm officially unemployed...huhu...kdg2..boring gak...memikirkan yg xde bende nk wat...kdg2 tu..lega yg teramat...yelah, bebas dr cengkaman 'penjajah'...kdg2 tu sedey gak..memikirkan yg ape yg aku perjuangkan n korbankan selama 2 tahun lebih ni...mmg sia2 jer... mujurlah ade hubby n family serta kwn2 yg memahami...luv u ols...huhuhu..sob sob...

ari ni bz sket...ade doa selamat utk yak yg akan menunaikan haji 10hb nih...bkn wat kat umah ktorg pn, buat kat umah usu kat melimpah ke umah ktorg...xmuat nye psl...hehe...skali skale...terase gak best nye kawen ngan org yg berbeza adatnye ngan kite...yelaa..baghu aku tau yg kalu doa selamat kat sini...xpyh nk bg mkn nasik...besenye kan kt bg mkn nasik minyak ke..nasik bese ke...sini x, dorg bg kueh mueh (kek, agar2, biskut n pulut berinti) ngan minum air je...sng kan? x mcm kat tmpt kt..leceh wooo....

Mcm doa selamat Dina ari tu pn same...mkn kueh mueh jer...xde pn nasik2 nih...utk kwn2 semenanjung..insyaAllah majlis cukur jambul n akikah Dina akan diadakan awal tahun depan...amik berkat taun baru...permulaan baru.,..aku pn berharap agar aku dpt kerja yg lebih elok...aku n hubby n Dina dpt duduk bersama2...jd family yg btol2 famili...

Aku rase terkilan sgt...sbb hal pekerjaan aku nih...mmg effect giler2 pd famili aku...byk yg lompang sana...lompang sini...even sambut anniversary kawen pn aku ngan hubby xley sambut bersama lg...tulaa...diharapkan taun baru ni membawa harapan yg sgt besar utk kami anak beranak...InsyaAllah.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Service Agreement???!!! Demmit!!!!

Ni die komen aku n kandungan service agreement yg bos tu bg pd aku...suh aku sign...
  1. Term of Contract : 6 Months (apsl 6 month je? ni musti nk kes HABIS MADU SEPAH DIBUANG lagi lah nih...)
  2. Period of Contract : 1 November 2008 - 1 April 2008 (tarikh pn salah...kah kah..kalu aku sign..x valid gak contract nih..hak hak)
  3. Location : The Company Site Office / Home (umah die lah tu..xkan umah aku lak..maklumlah...opis xde..umah die buat jd opis)
  4. Proposed Monthly Service Fee : RM 1300.00 (huhu..apsl sikit dr dulu?? gaji mase aku fresh grad dulu lg beso...position yg same...apsl skrg kurang? kate gaji ikut pengalaman ngan pengetahuan...hello! aku wat urs skrg xperlu dh tunjuk ajar ko! )
  5. Mileage claim : More than 10KM from Kuching Town (wah wah...yg ni best sket laa...sbb kalu wat training baitulmal tu...ade 8 gak tuh)
  6. Working Hours : based on the job location and requirements (wah wah...kire die leh kerah aku 24 jam lah? pastu on weekend pn bley...24 7 la tuh..tolon sket..gaji sket...nk kerah 24 7..aku pn ade family nk di take care of laaa...)
  7. Overtime : NA (cet, kene kerah 24 7 xde overtime lak...demmit!)
  8. Bonus : As detailed in Clause 11 (Clause 11 menyatakan no bonuses to service provider...bile aku tanye bos tu, aku dpt x portion utk baitulmal nye projek..die kate dpt. Blah laa..kekg kalu aku mntk, gerenti die rujuk agreement ni..xdpt la bonus pd den..huhu..aku xkan tertipu lah)
  9. Termination Notice : 24 hours - 1 month (kire xpe la ari ni sain..esk nk bg termination notice pn..hehe)
  10. Contract Termination Penalty : Reimbursement of 2 months Service Fee and any fixed (kalu aku berenti, aku kene bayo 2 bln gaji pd die....kalu aku diberhentikan, die kene bayo sebulan gaji pd aku. Adil ke? Mane adil. Budak kecik pn tau..kan? kan?)
  11. No Kwsp and Socso (Clause 10 : Both parties herein agrees that, this service agreement does not fall under Employment Act. Therefore, the company and the service provider are not bind to contribute to EPF and SOCSO. Cet lg...kalu dh berkerja tu...musti lah termaktub pada Akta Kerja tuh..die ni biol ke ape...kalu x termaktub dlm Akta Kerja tu..aku ni sape? adik die? sedare die? Kan pekerja..)
Byk lg yg selebihnye bese jer...mcm contract yg aku sain mase mule2 keje dulu...kalu budak2 ganu nk salinan...kut2 nk tgk btol2...aku leh bg salinan...lihatlaa...sblm ni aku lurus bendul je...main sain skrg aku dh kuat, dh pandai...xkn nk selame2 kene tindas...aku nk perjuangkan hak aku...

We Shall See what Happen Next...hehe

The Truth Is.....

Ramai sgt tanye aku...ape sms yg hubby aku ngan bos aku duk kecoh2 aku nk reveal everything...xmo simpan2..x elok...

5 October 2008 - SMS aku kepada Bos aku..
"Askum...bos, bile sy boleh dpt gaji sy?"
Komen aku : standard la staff tanye gaji bile...kan? aku tanye sbb die dh menjanjikan bahawa aku permanent start bln, aku berhak dpt gaji sepanjang cuti bersalin aku..kan?

6 October 2008 - Bos balas pd SMS aku yg di atas
"Salam. Minggu ni lepas u sign permanent staff. Ada change in salary with kwsp and perkeso. U start August 08. Perkeso and kwsp akan refund terus kepada rhb sebab new company name tengah buat. C******T Sdn Bhd"
Komen aku : bile mase lak die nk aku sign ni? Katne? Bile? dahla aku tgh dlm pantang..bley plak ckp gitu...dulu kate start permanent bulan July, ni bulan August lak..konpius2...dh la tu..tuko name kompeni lak...ape kehal nye nih

21 October 2008 - SMS hubby aku pada bos aku
"Salam. Tuk Iskandar suami Hairina Hairudin, kmk nk nanyak bla gaji bini kmk nk d bayar, dh msk bln kedua dh gajinya, kmk duak tuk ada anak kecik, kt phm2x lh mun ada anak kecik byk benda maok dibeli, susu agik pampers agik, mun dh gaji mcm tuk camne nk beridup, ktk pn tauk n ada otak utk berfikir...Mintak maaplah mun kasar glak tp seriously we need money right now.."
Komen aku : bagus gak laki aku anto sms ni...sbb aku sendri pn xberani nk anto...kalu laki aku x anto..smpi bile aku nk tgu jer...kan?

21 October 2008 - SMS bos aku pd hubby aku berkenaan pertanyaannya
"Terima kasih kerana bahasa kasar. Fyi, bini kitak dh abis kontrak agreement. Kamik maok nyambungnya lepas abis bersalin tok and nya perlu sign agreement dolok. Sepatutnya kontrak dh abis lamak dh. Ari iya nya kontinue di kch pun atas sebabnya belum ada kerja lain agik. Baru nak ngambiknya jadi permanent staff, dah cara kitak bercakap macam sik ada otak juak."
Komen aku : berbahasa kasar pn, ada gak mntk maap, bos pn same gak...ckp hubby aku xde otak..leh pulak ckp aku duk Kch xde keje..hello...yg dptkan ko RM30K tu sape???? Bukan Hairina Hairudin ke?? Aku duk bersengkang mate siang mlm buat URS tu...dh la tgh mengandung, pastu gaji tgh bln dpt separuh...nk akhir2 bulan baghu dpt separuh...ade ko hargai?? leh plak kate aku xde keje. Tanye org2 baitulmal tu...ape aku wat kat sane... Dlm doc URS tu, name sape yg officially buat URS tuh...bodo piang aa...mmmg btol la kate hubby..ade otak xmau pk..huh! demmit!

21 October 2008 - SMS bos pada aku lepas peristiwa di atas
"Salam. Just receive sms from yr husband. very erogen. u should inform him that yr contract dah habis and your term sebelum ni permonth basis. i plan to continue yr employment as permenent staff after u are ready to work. i was thingking to start yr working last mth but i am very disturb by yr husband remark."
Komen aku : lantak ko lah. Nampak sgt! Ejaan pn salah...ade hati nk tegur2 lak..dh la ape yg ko mention dulu n skrg lain bebenore...bley blah...pembelit! penipu! Penglipur lara! Pemberi harapan palsu! mcm2 pe lg lah! demmit!

aku dh tawar hati nk bekerjasama ngan bos nih! Ckp xserupa bikin.,..beri janji ngan harapan mcm2..last2...xde ape gak...aku gak yg tertipu...sblm ni aku duk pentingkan sykt ni...sykt ni bgs..bos die bgs...sampaikan aku kene marah ngan mak bapak n hubby pn xpe...sabo nye aku ngan bos nih...aku yakin, 1 hari nanti aku akan dpt ganjaran dan plak yg terjadi...HABIS MADU SEPAH DIBUANG!! tulah..mmg aku mengalaminya...until now...nothing..xdpt pape pn...mmg hampeh...aku berharap sgt...agar bos tu menerima padah dan akibat menganiayai org2 mcm aku...

Untuk pengetahuan korg..bukan aku sorg je penah mengalami juga pada bekas rakan2 sekerja aku...sblm ni aku percaye ckp bos, yg mereka yg resign sblm ni membawa masalah pd tulah...aku terlalu percaye dan berharap pd bos ni..ternyata sume nye hanyalah janji manis dan harapan palsu semata2....

Sekian dulu la utk entry kali ni, entry seterusnya aku akan komen tentang agreement yg die bg utk aku sign pula...taaaa

Apalah Nasibku Yang Malang...huhu

ERm....ari ni xde mood mcm2 bende yg berlaku..rase mls la plak nk citer kat blog ni...dh smpi menunjukkan cite ulangan Raja Lawak ntah ngape aku x t'gelak2 pn..padahal rasenye lawak gak cite nih...dapur lak xberasap lg...karang la sket masak...hubby pn xkesah...baghu lps main badminton..die kate ilek2 luu...adik lak kuar ngan gewe die...(ni gune celcom broadband gewe adik la nih..hehe)...baju byk xbasuh lg...ade yg basuh tu..xjemur lg...hehehe...dakpe ah..kekg2 lah..bukan sng nk buat nih...skali skale jer...

dalam boring2...sedey2...xde mood...ceria lak rasenye...bile terime gambo dr adik...gambo Dina...hehehe...comeynye...makin tembam nmpknye anak ibu nih...nanti2 lah aku upload..sik ada masa tok...lgpn gambo dlm hp..kene transfer lok...

k lah...dh maghrib nih..hubby pn dh bising2 suh g smyg...nanti2 lah berblogging smule yer...

Thursday, October 30, 2008



Pekabo? TEntu sehat kn...x lambat lg rasenye nk wish Slamat Ari Raya...Maap andai ade silap n salah...Sy nk tau ape kedudukan sy skrg...adakah sy masih staf C**X? Ataupun sy dh diterminatekan gara-gara sms husband sy tu? Sy perlu tau...sbb seperti yg bos slalu ckp..kite kene ade plan..Satu lg, sy nk tau...adakah sy mmg tidak layak untuk mendapat gaji sepanjang cuti bersalin sy? ari tu sy tanye bos, bos kate sy start permanent Ogos 2008. Ini bermakna, sy berhak dpt gaji. Sy igt lg masa sy tgh buat URS untuk B*******L dulu..bos kate, sy ngan sorg lg staff Kuching dh permanent start bulan Jun. If start bulan Jun, then why jd bulan Ogos lak? Pastu bile husband sy sms, bos kate sy start permanent bile sy start keje selepas bersalin la plak...Mane satu yg btol ni bos? kejap A, kejap B, kejap C...pasni..ntah2 mmg sy kene extend
contract jer...lebih teruk lg..kene terminate! Sy bukan nye nk sy pelik..ape yg bos cari pada seorg staff? Adakah staff yg byk ckp, byk mengadu? buat keje elok? Meh sini sy nk bgtau kronologi berkaitan keje sy kat C**X.

--> Di Terengganu as Product Executive (TeG)
Mule2 dibriefing bkn main gempak...kete kenari sorg satu...pastu wat keje dlm 3 bln jer..xkan sentuh langsung dev ke..UAT ke...product executive akan ke kursus pengurusan business? Jgn ikut sgt ckp PM dari syarikat S***I. Tp last2..sume planning lari.. kene buat sume bende...then kene ikut je ckp PM tu (becoz they are our client)..pulak dh..Kenapa sy trus ke Kuching walaupun tidak diarahkan? Sbb sy mengikut kata suami sy..x ikut kate suami berdosa..lgpun, projek TeG pada masa tu hanyalah bertumpu pd Punchlist..error..Training n UAT dh abis. Sy dh mention yg sy akan stay di Terengganu smpi Training dh abis..futhermore, sy telah handover tugas2 sy pada O*a. X btol ke ape yg sy wat? Sy bg memo pada bos bulan 2, pada bulan 5 baghu sy btol2 nekad..

--> Di Kuching juga sbg Product Executive.
Bile smpi ke Kuching, bos kate projek B*******L dh nk start, so elok sgt sy dh pindah truskan keje buat URS kat B*******L...sampai x tdo mlm buat URS, balik dr keje lmbt...dh la sy tgh pregnant time tuh...sume riso keadaan sy, tp sy truskan jugak..sbb kalu sy buat main2...x siap, nanti C**X kene denda. Ada ke bos pandang sume tu? Sy bersalin akhir bulan Ogos pn...mmmg awal sebulan bersalin tp itu bukan kehendak sy, dh ditakdirkan jadi begitu, adakah sy xperlu redha? Sy igt lg bos kate..projek B*******L ni utk cover gaji staff di Kuching...bos dh dpt 45K utk projek ni..tu pun xcukup ke nk cover ktorg yg hanya 2 org..yg gaji hanya 1K lebih ni? Nk harapkan bonus..jauh skali..kadang2 ralat gak..sbb ape yg kt wat..pengorbanan yg kt wat tu..xde org pandang...bukan mengharapkan pujian least biorle gaji on time buat menampung tanggunggan yg semakin bertambah...bos jugak kate..skrg sume bende naik...nk apply kad kredit pn xlepas..maklum saje lah..kwsp ngan socso xde...slip bank xcaye..sbb gaji masuk tarikh lain2 n amaun lain2...dr mane lg kami nk carik duit? Nk wat bisnes....kene ada modal..nk modal kene pinjam dr tulaa..cycle yg ke, mara ke, tekun ke.,.sume xcaye kami leh bayo pinjaman tuh.So, ape lg yg kami leh wat?? Bergantung pd gaji jelah.

Lastly, sy harap bos xamik ati ngan ape yg sy ckp sabo pn, ada tahap tertentu...smpi satu masa yg xtahan sgt..maka jd lah kes menghantar sms yg bukan2..bertanye itu ini...mood nk buat keje lari..kepercayaan pd bos pn dh kurang...Tp tula...cube bos letakkan diri bos dlm situasi sy...dimana xde duit, kredit kad xde, utang kene bayo, keperluan anak kene beli, duit minyak nk g keje, makan sendri lg, bayo utiliti lg...n pastu..kwn2 pn xde duit...mak bapak pulak mengharap pd kite utk membeli brg keperluan n membayar bil...bukan mengharap simpati at least tolong la paham...smpi bile lg?

Sy tau status sy ni ntah mengharap sgt bos lihat pd apa yang ditanggung oleh staff dan menjaga kebajikan kami...Kami xde SOCSO, kalu jd ape2 pd kami time bekerja, sape nk tanggungjawab? adakah bos nk bertanggungjawab? Adakah bos nk tlg kami jika kami susah?

Sekian dulu lah wat kali nih...byk lg nk mcm terlalu berserabut lak...


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Iman Irdina - 2 Months Age

Monday, October 27, 2008


Ari ni dh masuk umur Iman Irdina 65 days. Dh 3 hari die tinggalkan ibu ngan ayah die kat kuching...suke sgt duk ganu...smpi x igt ibu ngan ayah die yg kerinduan kat sini...huhu...xpe la Dina..insyaAllah raye aji ni ibu ngan ayah balik jenguk Dina yer...huhu...

Alkisahnye..ari tu...tanggal 11 Syawal, ibu ngan ayah dh membawa Dina balik ke x berjalan lancar...Dina asyik menangis je kat Kuching ni...smpi Ibu pn xtahan..smpi termenangis skali ngan Dina...last2...ibu merayu agar Opah ngan Uchu Dina datang Kuching ni...n bawa Dina balik ganu...Ibu kesian tgk Dina asik menangis...camne ibu ngan ayah pujuk pn...mmg xjalan..ntah ape yg xkena ngan anak ibu nih...

Sepanjang die menangis tu..mcm2 la...yg org kate...kene sakat lah...sulak laa..rindu opahnye laa..x biase duk kuching laa...mcm2...pastu...dh brape byk bidan yg jampi2 Dina Dina xde gak berenti meragam...mcm sume tu berkesan la pd die...last2..ibu mmg sure dh yg mmg Dina xsuke duk Kuching kot...

Tanggal 25 Oktober lalu, Dina dh balik ke ganu bersama Opah ngan UChu nyer...huhu..tgalkan ibu ngan ayah...memule sedih gak...menangis la jugak siang malam...rindukan bile ibu tau yg sepanjang 3 hari ni..Dina duk ganu..dina x meragam...x menangis..ibu senang ati...mane tak nye...anak ibu ngan ayah dh kembali ke tempat yg die suke...pastu x nangis2 eventough ibu ngan ayah xde kat, ibu tau yg ibu dh buat keputusan yg tepat..dengan membiarkan dina duduk di sana...kalu Dina duduk di sini..blom tentu die x meragam n x menangis...tentu asik jumpe bidan n org yg jampi2 lg...sian anak Ibu ngan Ayah...jd mangsa eksperimen...padahal..Dina xnk duk Kuching jer...yg g panggil byk2 bidan ngan org yg jampi tu watpe??! Amende laa...

Pernah 1 malam tu...mlm Doa Selamat utk Dina...ibu detact yg Dina sakit perut...(ini semua gara2 Doktor laa...suh sgt tuko susu dari S-26 Gold ke Similac LF) org2 sekeliling kate Dina kene sulak lak...ibu xcaye..mane ade baby girl yg baru lahir kene sulak dh...kalu 3-4 tahun kene sulak ibu tau ayah xcaye..die panggil gak bidan...ayah janji yg bidan tu nk tgk ibu tgk bidan tu urut Dina...mati2 ibu bergaduh ngan kecik lg...nk urut2 lak...dh la mase Dina baru lahir dulu pn ntah ape ntah bidan tu buat pd DIna..rase nk tendang2 je bidan tu...DIna kan kecik lg, tulang2 ngan organ2 kan lembut lg..ade plak nk wat gitu...bengong!

So, skrg Dina dh pandai respon pd apa yg ada...such as...kalu Ibu panggil Dina melalui telefon...Dina akan menjawab(ikut cara baby jwb la...bkn hello..hehe)...bile ibu tibe2 kol pn...Ibu x dgr dh Dina duk ganu yer...dakpe2...pastu Dina suke main permainan yg bunyi2...bagus...satu perkembangan yg positif...

Tau lah kirenye...dari Ibu ngan Ayah yg jauh ni...Ibu ngan Ayah rindu ngan sayang giler pd Dina...Ibu tgalkan Dina pada Opah ngan Tuk...bukan sbb Ibu n Ayah sbb xnk Dina nangis2...xnk Dina trus jd mangse eksperimen kat Kuching ni...sume ni utk kebaikan DIna jugak..InsyaAllah kalu ade rezeki lebih...ibu ngan Ayah balik ganu tgk Dina ek...ek...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Being a Mom


Rasenye..ramai dh tau yg aku dh slamat bersalin pada 23 Ogos ari tu....tak dijangka2 la plak...sepatutnye 20 Sept baghu aku beranak...alih2...pegi ke 23 Ogos lak...tulaa...byk sgt tawaf shopping complex...

Utk kengkawan sume...aku bg maklumat umum jelah dulu...
Tarikh lahir baby.....23 Ogos 2008
Masa Lahir....8.26 pagi
Nama baby...Iman Irdina binti Iskandar...
Berat baby masa lahir....2.15 kg
Berat baby setakat ari ni...3.8kg (maklumlah baghu balik dr klinik...hehe)
Lahir di...Hospital Umum Sarawak (jadi Sarawakian lak anak aku nih)
Cara lahir....normal

Ape lg yg penting2 utk dipaparkan? hehehe...utk keterangan lanjut ttg cara2 melahirkan atau pengalaman melahirkan...tunggu...aku nk karang btol2 dulu..nanti aku publish dlm blog ni...

Aku berada di Terengganu skrg ni..umah mak n abah aku...balik swak pada 11 Sept ni...(riso laa...ntah camne Dina dlm flight nanti..arap2 x meragam..huhu) So..sape2 yg kat ganu...leh melawat n beraya kat umah mak n abah aku di terengganu ni sblm aku bertolak balik ke Swak ek...yg swak lak..tgu la lps 12 Sept baghu dtg melawat...hehehe

Oklah...aku kat cc ni..mcm xbest nk karang byk2...nanti mulaa la ek

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Gud News!!

Today got several gud salary for last month dh masuk..walaupun sket je dulu...jd laa...utk makan, pakai, isi minyak kete, servis kete ke,,,,kire oklah tu...

next...i've discover that i've win the Cari Survey...korg leh view kat sini ..... dpt Rm100 for Travelling Study...jd laa..lame gak wat survey tu...berbaloi gak laa... hehehe...thanx to Cari Survey... tp prizes won't be given at this month...kene tgu pertengahan next month...hgeehehe...best2...

ape lg ek...xde dh kot...tu jelah...walaupun tu jer berite ianya telah menaikkan semangat sy utk mgu ini...adios amigos!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Xtau nk bubuh title ape

Perkembangan terkini....

hehe...skrg ni makin kembang...kaki kembang...perut pn kembang..berat badan naik...belakang pinggang sakit...mcm2 laa.... xtau nk celoteh ape kat sini....maybe xde mood or xde tujuan nk create new post ni hati ni teringin nk wat new post...mane la tau..kot2 ade kengkawan yg asik bukak je blogspot sy ni..last2...tgk xde perkembangan pun...huhu..solly eberibadi...hehehe

mgu ni...renew roadtax TAM tu...renew insurance TAM tu...tuntut rebat tunai (part ni best), beli kelengkapan baby & kelengkapan sy lah(utk persediaan terakhir)....ape lg?? erm...rase cam nk g serikin...nk beli baju raya utk mcm xbest jer...sbb kaki dh xlarat nk melangkah....kalu duduk leh laa....

erm...tket flight utk balik ganu utk berpantang pn xbeli lg...sbb xtau bile baby nk once dh kuar...kene tgu 9 hari dulu...baghu leh naik flight...hehehe

mcm xbest je celoteh aku nih...tamat dulu laa...nanti sambung...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Hehe...wassup eberibodi...wah..setelah sekian lame hamba bz..akhirnye...lps jugak dr kes kesibukan yang maha dahsyat ini...huhuh...bygkan laa...siang sibuk ngan miting sane...miting sini...mlm lak sibuk ngan membuat dokumen...hujung mgu lak sibuk ngan aktiviti family...penat wooo...akhirnye...dptla aku menumpukan perhatian kpd rumahtangga n hubby...sian hubby...(seb baik dpt hubby yg rajin menolong, paham memahami, hensem dan sedia bertolak yg aku makin syg kat hubby aku nih)

Cume problem skrg ni...gaji x dpt2 lg...sian la aku kat sini...dh la mak bapak dakpe kate...kalu x penah duk jauh ngan mak bapak...mmg xkn merasa, aku dh mengerti dh...apa kesusahan yg hubby aku lalui sblm ni...sblm ni aku main pandang sblh mata jer...bile dh merasa sendri..aku lak yg emo ngan psiko...maklumla...sblm ni xpenah rase susah...mak ngan abah duk manjekan aku jer...ape aku nk sume, mmg insaf la sket...sket keR? eh tak...byk laa....

Bile la nk dpt gaji ni,...nk start beli brg baby lg...nk bajet utk beranak nanti..nak beli tket flight utk balik ganu mase pantang nanti...mcm2 bende lg...nk plan...awal bln ogos ni...nk renew roadtax ngan insurans...terus terang aku ckp...kali ni aku nk gune insurans murah jelah...pastu InsyaAllah akan ku jage elok2 gentu aku tu..bwk dengan penuh berhati2 di jalan raya dan sentiasa menservis serta mencuci gentu kesayangan aku tu...sian gentu aku tu...dh 2 bulan x mandi...duk mandi ngan air hujan jer (by the way...sini musim ujan kot....asik ujan je). Tgk...aku melalut lah jadinye bile skali skale memblogkan diri...xde point...main redah aje...

huhuhu....huhuhu....aku tgh menunggu ni...bile gaji nk masuk...bos kate ari dh kol 3.35,,,xde pon...sedih balik la camni...rase cam nk mogok kerja jer...huhuhu...k lah...tgh sedih ni...malas la nk memblog.. huhuhu

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Latest pictures

Assalamualaikum....this is me in 7 months of pregnancy...hehee...enjoice...

Monday, June 9, 2008

Latest Updates.....

ok...skrg dh duk kat Kch ngan hubby... dekat sebulan dh rasenyer...mcm2 rase ade...mcm2 bende berlaku..n mcm2 ada....hehehe..antaranya....
  • dlm sebulan duk cni...dlm lebih kurang 2 mgu kat opis xde, duit habis sbb g cc nk wat keje...kalu g cc...musti g cc org bosnia yg kat Wisma Satok tu..murah jer..rm1.50 kalu duk lame, byk gak nk kene bayo kan?
  • berjalan? ade laa... ke lokasi lokasi tertentu...seperti kebun yak kat Bako (sambut besday awin, tgk kebun, redah hutan), kebun kak nori kat Batu 10 (tgk kebun Buah Naga, memncing ikan talapia dan lampan jawa kat tasik die, smpi hubby xnk balik, seronot sgt memancing), Kota Samarahan (umah abg jonny, jln2 jupe dayana),the Spring (mkn kek secret recipe ngan donut), Boulevard (jalan2), dan mcm2 tempat lg laa...
  • Mlm sblm minyak naik tu..g isi minyak full tank..hehe...seb baik x lame sgt beratur...sbb mase tu btol2 lps solat maghrib ramai pn xtau lg minyak naik kot...sbb berite utama x start lg...pastu...smpi ari ni..minyak full tank tu still x abis lg...walaupun dh berjalan smpi ke Batu 10 dan Kota Samarahan...hehehe
  • sepanjang sbln kat sini...agak susah nk carik ayam yg berharga rm6.50 sekilo...hehehe...pastu kebanyakan brg kat sini...kompem lebih mahal dr semenanjung...smpi kan rasenye...kalu nk beli brg avon ke...sentini ke...ape ke...baik tgu balik semenanjung laa....murah sket...
  • Plan nk balik Ganu bln Julai ni..ade kenduri doa selamat, sehingga ari ni, gaji xdpt2 xdpt beli tket flight lg..huhu
  • Been addicted to cite Anakku Bukan Anakku yg ditayangkan kat TV3 pkol 2.30 ptg...kat opis ni leh tgk..sbb opis ade Tv..hak hak..ntah pape ah cite best gak..kalu layan laa...hehe
  • 1 lg cite yg di addicted ialah Ezora...rase nk je pelempang si Beego tuh...dua2 nak..ezora pn nak...yg dynas tu pn nak..ampeh tol.
  • ni nk update ape lg ni? xde dh kot...smpi sini dulu aa..nk sambung tgk cite ni..bubbye

Friday, May 23, 2008

Why U Shud Leave Office Sharp

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Bubbye Terengganu....huhu

Ari ni last day kat Ganu...huhu...ade yg best...n ade yg xbest ngan bende nih...huhu... Yang bestnyer...leh jupe hubby... tu je kot... yg xbest nye... kene tinggal family cni...tgal Fifi (makin comey die skrg...syg ah nk tgal)...tgal brg2 ngan mknan best2 kat sini...mcm2 lg ah...

Tp dakpe...plannye bln 7 ni nk balik ganu lg...nk wat kenduri doa selamat dulu...kire xdela mcm kes pindah swak...trus xbalik ganu dh...hehehe...(musti fifi lari2 dh jupe sy...musti die xkenal sy dh time tu..huhu)

Byk bende kene settle ari ni...byk gler...mcm2 ada...beli kepok lekor, bayo bil, g marang, amik moto adik...mcm2 laa...rase cam xcukup lak mase utk ari ni...huhuhu

Sunday, April 20, 2008

~~xtau nk bubuh tajuk ape~~hehe nk update psl ape ni? 4 ur info, sy xde line tenet kat, hanya blh update blog di opis shj. Mgu lps bz ngan training ePortal utk UPMN. Pastu duk kecoh2 psl meeting yg tetibe memerlukan sume org hadir, pastu kecoh psl opis ni lg, kecoh psl En. W or En. R pergi ke opis, kecoh psl gaji xdpt2....Mcm2 lg laa...smpi sy merasakan mgu lps adalah mgu yg agak men'tensen'kan dan meletihkan...mcm2 jd...
~And then sy nekad dh utk membeli tket flight utk pindah ke Kch...xkire la bos kate ape pn...i dun care...nk fired pn fired laa...n i dun care about people who doesn't consider other's (such as Mr. S). Kalu nk ikutkan kate Mr. S...baik xpayah...die bknnye paham dilema org lain, dilema die je yg die paham! hak dun care anymore..lantak korg laaa...nk buat ape buat laa...
~X sabo ah nk balik kch baby Angel Bleu pn dh ade kat duk sini asik pakai kete abah jer...which is Manual...hoho...dh smpi umah kaki sy lenguh2 aaaa...huhu..x sabo nk drive balik my baby Angel Bleu tu...huhu
~Smlm tgk konsert AF6....kalu tgk dr segi sape yg perform best...maybe Stacy je kot...yg lain bese2 jer...Aku agak xpuas ati la ngan persembahan Riz tu...lagu Muse - Time is Running Out...x same cam Muse...huhu...
~Sy xpaham la nape dlm paper...sume paper berlumbe2 ckp psl kekurangan bekalan makanan laa..ape2 yg berkaitan makanan laa...padahal pd saye...kat sini xde pn kekurangan bekalan makanan. Kat kedai2 runcit, supermarket, hypermarket...byk je beras2...makanan lain2, sy xnmpk pn yg kite skrg ni tgh mengalami kekurangan makanan...Saje je org paper tu meruar2kan isu yg xdela ape sgt pn.
~Tgk kring2...ade isu yg Ogy & Raja Azura dituduh laser mase ABPBH ari tu...alaa...yg pasal quote "Jgn Rampas Suamiku" tu..setau aku mgu lps2 lg Ogy ngan Raja Azura kate yg dorg mntk persetujuan dr Nora Danish dulu...Nora Danish setuju..apsl plak yg wartawan tu nk kecoh2...xpaham btol..maybe wartawan tu kawan Fasha Sandha kot...hehehe...well...kalu nk ikutkan komen2 ni..sume rase dorg btol..padahal bende2 atau isu tu kecik jer...xperlu la nk besar2kan...rakyat Malaysia skrg dh bijak nk layan bende2 yg mengarut cenggini...wartawan tu, xde keje lain or isu lain ke??? pn dh mengarut gak ni...smpi sini jelah dulu..kang xpepasal bos smpi dr KL kang...chiowww

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Down Memory Lane

Gambar 1

Gambar 2

Gambar 3

Mgu lps sy tengok balik album2 lame...sempat la snap beberapa gambar....

Gambar 3...merupakan gambar budak2 kelas 4 & 5 Jahiz. Best gler la kelas ade 2 puak laa...geng Skema : HR Jahiz 1, geng Gile2 : HR Jahiz 2...hehehe...aku lak dlam Jahiz gler...Guru HR lak Pn. Ramlah...

Ant yg dh kawen : Adnin, AKU...hehe

Gambar 1 & 2 lak...gambar geng mase kat MRSM Pengkalan Chepa...mcm2 xtvt yg ktorg wat...mmg dorg ni geng yg best gler...Afzan, Peyuh, Matul, Lieza, Jue, Asah, Qist & Yana, aku sayang sgt kat korg...Even skrg ni...still contact! Bagus x ktorg ni? hehehheh....

Ant. geng ni...yg kawen dulu...semestinya AKU...hak hak...


Bile la leh pndh kuching ni??? Sape leh jwb?? Antara sbb aku nk tau.....
  1. Kete dh di hantar ke Kuching....aku kat sini...Patah Sayap n Kaki...Payah nk g keje...nk g mane2...
  2. Kene tau awal la bile aku leh g sane...dh la tket Air Asia tu...kalu nk beli...awalnye la murah...kalu main beli last minute...leh cecah RM500...dh la beli tket sendri...x harap pn sykt nk sponsor...huhuhu....tolonglaa....
  3. Husband aku dh berulang kali tanye dh...tetiap ari tanye...smpai aku pn xtau nk ckp ape dh...
  4. Aku duk cni...bende yg aku wat kat opis ni...aku leh wat kat opis Kch...xbyk beza pn...ape yg susah sgt..aku leh wat remote ape...bukannye opis Kch tu xde internet...
  5. Aku nk dftar Klinik Kerajaan kat area Kuching on 21 April...dh la rekod klinik aku tu dh dihantar ke Klinik Kuching.,..x ke naya kalu 21 April tu..aku still g Klinik Kesihatan Bukit Tunggal tu...
  6. Alasan utama, tgu aku habiskan training (kononnye : pdhal..xde aku pn xpe)..pastu UPMN tu pulak duk bz jer..xde mase nk wat training laa..ape laa...(Hello!!! Projek ni dh makan 2 tahun! Xpuas2 ker??? ) Cpatla abiskan...
Nway..pada sape2 yg berkenaan...tlg la paham dilema aku ni...smpi bile aku nk duk kat ganu...boring dh ni...aku duk sini pn..pikiran aku kat Kch...huhuhu...kesiannye sayerrr

Monday, March 31, 2008

Mission Accomplished!

OK! Kete dh selamat sampai ke KL...dh dihand over ke sykt yg menguruskan penghantaran kerete ke Kuching...

Bertolak dr KT kol 8.30 pg slps membeli keropok lekor di Seberang Takir... dalam kol 9.15 singgah di Bukit Payung...makan roti canai... Pastu meneruskan perjalanan ke KL menggunakan jalan Jerangau-Jabor. Then, singgah sekejap kat Petronas mane ntah...memberi air ngan junk food... pastu headed to Lebuhraya Timur - Selatan. Pastu around 12.15 singgah di Perhentian Maran untuk makan-makan and rileks2 luu.... dalam kol 1.30 bertolak semula ke KL...melalui lebuhraya karak... Jumlah tol yang kene bayo... RM21+RM2+RM5=RM28. Duit minyak lak...abisla around RM60++. Sampai di Jusco Wangsa Maju (Alpha Angle) dlm kol 3.30 ptg. Berjalan2 di Jusco sambil makan dunkin donut...n membeli brg kawen utk kak long....smpi la kat umah sedare dalam kol 5.30 lebih....sebab ujan lebat time tu...

Malamnye terdapat perhimpunan keluarga, sambil2 makan nasik n pelbagai kuih yg dorg bawak...mmg kecoh..sampai kol 1 pagi...Anehnya, sy tidak merasa letih..malahan gembira...apabila byk bende yg dibahas ngan diceritakan...hehehe...seronot...skali skale sedare mara berjumpa dan berkumpul.

Keesokan ari nye....sykt yg menguruskan penghantaran kereta sy tu...dtg amik kete pada kol 12 tghari. Setelah diperiksa segala jenis aksesori, kelengkapan dan kecalaran pd kereta, semuanya selesai. Mereka ambil kete sy tu utk dibawa ke Port Klang...huhu..sedihnya sy...tgk kete sy tu dibawa pergi oleh org lain...huhuh...

Petangnya, jupe Kimi...anak yob...best2...sempatla mintak tips sket2 dr kak nurul...hehehe...pastu rase boring lak...plan nk g xtau nk g mane... pastu try g sogo laa...nk tgk sale yg org ckp tu..kate ade sale besar-besaran. Mmg la ade xde satu pn yg saye berkenan....bile dh keciwa sbb xde ape yg berkenan tu...then sy terus ke Jalan Masjid India berkenan kat handbag...beli la 1 handbag...hehehe (hubby jgn marah ek)...pastu belikan jam & wallet utk hubby (luckily my hubby ni jenis xberkire...terime ape yg ade as long bley pakai) heheheh....

Ble dh abis tawaf Jalan Masjid India tu, rase penat yg teramat sgt...then i decided to go home...dh xlarat sgt nk jalan...(tp larat lg laa...minda je rase penat...tgk org ramai, dgn berpeluh2)...huhu...sampai saje di terus makan dan akhirnya tertido...hehehe....bangun2 rase kepala sy sangat sakit...mungkin effect dr berjalan2 td kot...maklumlah..berjalan kaki jer...kete sy dh diambil oleh org itu...huhuhu...

Malamnye..mmg x g memane...sempat bergosip2 ngan Liza & tgk AF6...xde la best mane AF6 ni...kire kalu x mengikuti...mmg dakpe laa...x effect pn...hehehe

Kol 11 pm...nyah telah menghantar sy dan emak sy ke Terminal Bas Putra utk menaiki Bas kol 12am. Kami juga telah dihantar oleh Chu, Erin (gf nyah) dan nyah nizam...thanx guys...

Then, smpi ganu kol 6.30 am... Laju nye la bas tuh...

Ok, smpi sini dulu laa...nanti sambung lg...huhuhu

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Weekend Planning......

Welll...sepanjang mgu ni bz duk uruskan hal nk menghantar my Baby Angel Kuching, Sarawak... Sian baby nk naik kapal sorg2.... dh la 10++ hari... sygnye nk tgalkan baby Angel Bleu sorg2... mcmane la agaknye die duk dlm kapal tu... arap2 la jgn ade pape kat my Baby Angel tu... arap2 jgn ade sape2 mendajalkan my baby tu... huhuhu...ku xrelaa....

Green Card my Angel Bleu = checked
Copy of MyCard = checked
Copy of Driving Licence = checked
Copy of Cover Note = checked
Surat Permission dr Bank = checked
Money (RM++++) = checked

So, this Friday, slow2 bertolak dr KT...only with my mum....coz my dad can't accompany (he had some job to do) drive sorg2 je tau...arap2 la x sesat mase lps dr Tol Gombak... will head to Wangsa Maju (umah sedare), stay for the nite n akhirnye balik ke KT naik bas mlm sabtu...Pack x plan sy utk ujung mgu ni? muahahhaha.... hopefully nothin bad happens.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Live Without Hubby...heheheh

Hehe..musti korg borink ek...lg2 entry psl idup jauh ngan hubby....huhu...mmg laaaa....

Sepanjang hidup skali ngan hubby mgu lps2...well...i became emotional, mengade2...asik nak berkepit ngan hubby...asik bercakap dgn hubby...dan mcm2 lg laa.... Hubby salah ckp sket dh majuk...paling best kalu kene pujuk...huhuhu... pastu nak ape sume dpt...hubby sanggup bg...hehe.. la kelebihan kalu pregnant..pastu pulak jarang2 jumpe hubby..syoknye....

i had bad allergies...mcm2 laa...xley bau n mkn ape2 berasaskan orange...xley bau tumis-tumisan...bau org masak2..bau bawang...even bau minyak goreng ikan pn xley...bau toilet...bau pencuci pinggan mangkuk kat hubby wants me to cook..but akhirnye...die yg masak...wah...sayangnye kat hubby considerate...

even bau hubby pn sy, hubby kene pakai perfume sepanjang mase...heheh...bayangkan perfume yg penuh botol...bile sepanjang sy ade di sane...perfume tu dh tgal setengah botol! hak hak...lawak plak rasenye...

Gosh...rindunye kat hubby...rindu glerr...Hubby..Miss u very very much...huhuhu

Sunday, March 16, 2008

After Two Weeks ++


Lame dh rasenye x tulis ape2 dlm blog ni..being bz for the past 2 weeks...hehe..mengadakan lawatan utk menjenguk my hubby in Kuching...but..pejam celik..pejam's time to back to Terengganu...waaaa...sedeynye....

Sepanjang duk Kuching...mmg best x igt laa...cuti dari keje selame seminggu, n bekerja secara remote di sane selame seminggu...Antara aktiviti kat sane ialah :
  1. Jalan2 ke The xbest...sempat g Tai Kiong ngan F.O.S jer...sbb mase g tu, dh lewat..The Spring dh nk tutup. G F.O.S best, ade sale brg2 baby jename Guess ngan lg baby boy or, xley nk beli baju baby lg...huhu
  2. Tido...Tido..Tido...bukan ape...nak elak dr rase muntah...huhu...xbest la muntah2 ni,...
  3. Bab makan, fully makan luor (my hubby tapau bile die balik lunch dr opis) - nice...luv my hubby very very considerate...huhu
  4. Pegi keje naik moto...i know...ramai kate bahaye...sbb kandungan baru2 lg...but we have no choice maa...xde kete kat kch...huhu... my hubby worried so much...but, what can i do...if xpegi keje...kang U're Fired kang...sape nk jwb? hehe
  5. Tgk dvd Alvin & The gler...comey nye chipmunk2 tu...especially adorable...huhu
  6. Beli kek lapis n jalan2 kat waterfront.
  7. Tlg my hubby jual hubby has his own beger stall in front of our house...hehe...best2...ari2 makan beger, i'm very bergembira...hehe
  8. Ape lg? x igtlaa...hehe ni balik pd asal balik dh...sorg kat Ganu..sorg lg kat Kch...huhu..sedeynye...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Di Kala Borink Menjelma Dalam Diri....

1. Name one person who made you laugh last night?
>> Nabil (cite Raja Lawak Astro tuh)

2. What were you doing at 0800?
>> Tido lg (malas nak bangun nak g Klinik Kesihatan Bukit Tunggal)...

3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
>> Makan kat warung depan Bynabytes (tak best n mahal)

4. What happened to you in 2006?
>> Convo... (tu jer yg igt)

5. What was the last thing you said out loud?
>> erm....xde kot

6. How many beverages did you have today?
>> 2

7.What color is your hairbrush?
>> black

8. What was the last thing you paid for?
>> makan tengahari

9. Where were you last night?
>> at home laa...

10. What color is your front door?
>> brown

11. Where do you keep your change?
>> dlm tabung kobis (kobis? org bg adiah kawen aaaa)...

12. What's the weather like today?
>> justtttt nice.....

13. What's the best ice-cream flavor?
>> chocolate, caramel, vanilla, strawberry...sume laaa....

14. What excites you?
>> meeting my hubby...miss you so much darling...

15. Do you want to cut your hair?
>> yes..bile malas nk jage rambut panjang

16. Are you over the age of 25?
>> borderline...heheheh..25 laaa

17. Do you talk a lot?
>> bet! I think at times, I talked too much!

18. Do you watch the O.C ?
>> Nope...x minat

19. Do you know anyone named Steven?
>> Nope

20. Do you make up your own words?
>> not that I know of....ahakss...

21. Are you a jealous person?
>> sort of...but...yelah...

22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ' A '?
>> Aida, Azza, Aemy, Anis dll

23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ' K '?
>> Kenny Rogers...heheheh...erm...sape ek..kam kot..x-cmax dulu

24. Who's the first person on your received call list?
>> Hubby

25. What does the last text message your received say?
>> Ktrg g opis bando jap. Kak ju nk print n ambk brg...(msg by ona)

26. Do you chew on your straw?
>> No....what for? I am not THAT hungry! Hahaha...

27. Do you have curly hair?
>> Nope...

28. Where's the next place you're going to?
>> BAlik umah...borink ah duk cni...

29. Who's the rudest person in life?
>> Can't remember....buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih

30. What was the last thing you ate?
>> NAsik ngan sambal hati ayam...yummy yummy.....

31. Will you get married in the future?
>> I am happily married to my dearest this question is not applicable! Hahaha...

32. What's the best movie you've seen in the past 2 weeks?
>> Transformers

33. Is there anyone you like right now?
>> All....

34. When was the last time you did the last wishes?
>> 9.00 pm...

35. Are you currently depressed?
>> Not now, actually I'm happy hubby made my day!

36. Did you cry today?
>> No...

37. Why did you answer and post ni?
>> It's been a long time since I last answer test papers! Hahaha!

Pemeriksaan Gigi

Ari ni kene g pekse gigi lak...seperti bese...mcm 1st time ari tu...kat klinik Kesihatan Bukit Tunggal. Patutnye kene g kol 8, tp sbb pg td ujan..sedap lak tdo..dh la aku xbape lena tido smlm...dok tau bakpe...

Tgk2...jam dh kol 8.30pg...then dlm kol 8.45 baghu bertolak ke klinik tu...pegi jer...dpt no. 36 laa...wah...lmbt siott...padahal nk kene check gigi jer...

Tunggu....tunggu...tunggu....sampaila kol 9.45...baghu tiba giliran sblm g check gigi...kene amik tekanan darah dulu....resultnye 100/60... ok x? oklah kot...misi tu kate comey doh...

Pastu g klinik gigi lak...doktor check...aku bgtau la sbb ape aku sakit gigi kiri n kanan aku nih....die kate yg gigi belah kiri tu sbb die tumbuh ala ke pipi sket...sbb tu kadang2 sakit....yg gigi belah kanan lak...sbb nk tumbuh gigi baru...hak hak... lawak lak... nk dpt gigi bongsu lak baghu tumbuh...mende aaaa... x seswai...dh la baby dlm perut ni nk gune kalsium...aku pn nk gune kalsium lak utk gigi baru tumbuh...lawak kene banyakkan pengambilan KALSIUM yer....hehe

Psl keje lak..not much to do...dh la borink duk opis tekukur nih...xbest langsung...tempat mkn jauh...tempat shopping jauh...tempat jalan2 pn jauh...n believe me...this week...need to spend more on the gas...huhu...

lapo nih....opis mate xbalik2 lg...tgu mihun yg dorg tapau...huhuhu....

p/s: dlm 2-3 ari nih...aku sokmo termimpi2...makan mihun n mee goreng...apsal ah?

Monday, February 25, 2008

4 Days To Go....

So hepi lately.... x sabo2 nk balik Kuching...ley jupe my hubby...hehehe......

Perkembangan Terbaru : erm...opis dh berpindah ke Kg Tekukur....agak xbest best gak...kire mcm masih dlm mood opis tu xde la fix sgt...

Smlm pegi wat Kad Ibu Mengandung kat Klinik Kesihatan Bukit Tunggal. Pegi kol 7.30 pg..jd org nombor 1... tp abis kol 9.30 pg...2 jam tu...

Mule2 daftar personal details...buat kad...pastu amik darah...pastu timbang berat badan...pastu check urine..pastu check HIV...pastu check Hb...pastu jupe Doktor.

Buat kad : nurse akan tanye perihal peribadi ibu n bapak... xpayah ic bapa pn xpe...xpayah surat kawen pn xpe... hehehe... ade ke misi (nurse) tu tanye skolah smpi mane? aku jwb la SPM...dh tanye skolah...lain la tanye tahap pendidikan... patutnye letak degree..xpelah...xkesah pn.
Tgh isi kad tu, ade sorg ibu mengandung tu...die kene minum air gule..mule2 amik darah, sbb lengan die xnmpk urat..kene la amik kat tgn...misi tu kate sakit sket...aku tgk patient tu ok jer..pastu sampai la time minum air gule...die mcm nk muntah...misi tu tegur laa...minum kene laju2..kalu dok laju...kekg rase nok muntah...huhu..sian lak...jgn la aku jd cenggitu...huhu

Amik darah : misi kate die nk amik darah byk sket...sbb ade 2 ujian, 1 untuk kumpulan darah, 1 lg utk test jangkitan ape2...aku ok nervous gak laa...mule2 misi tu tgk lengan..."ish..mcm xnmpk gak urat nih"...waaaa...xmo amik darah kat tgn...xmo..xmo...pastu misi tu carik2 urat kat lengan...ade rupenye...nmpk la jugak timbulnye...heheh..seb baik kulit den puteh sket...heheh...sesi mengambil darah berjalan lancar

Timbang berat badan & tekanan darah : well..memula timbang dulu...berat aku 56 kg...huhuhu naik dh 2 kilo..dulu lps kawen baghu 54 kg...misi tu kate..."ni berat awak mase awak mule2 hamil yerr"...aku ok jer...kat umah mmg ade penimbang pn...mmg aku sokmo timbang pn...x terkejut la plak....pastu die check tekanan darah...kiri & kanan lengan...die kate "comey dh tekanan darah awak ni"...hehe..aku bangge jap..ehhee...

Test urine & hb : pastu g makmal...the other side of the building...berjalan la sket...masuk2 jer...mane aku nk g ni? mane makmal ni? Last2 ade sorg pregnant patient tu...tunjuk jalan ke aku...suh letak kad dlm bakul...n then amik bekas urine ikut nombor giliran...hehehe....lawak gak laa....mane la aku tau..pastu amik urine...letak kat tray...then tgu result...
Bile name dipanggil, misi tu test darah utk HIV and Hb...resultnye...urine ok, HIV negative and Hb 11.0.

Jupe Doktor : Then lps sume di atas, letak kad kat dalam bakul luar bilik doktor n tgu misi doktor tu panggil. Jupe doktor, kene baring.,..doktor try tekan2 perut...pastu doktor tanye "ade x rase baby awak bergerak?" aku pn jwb dengan tertanye2..."erm...xde kot" hhehehe...btol laaa...mane rase lg...mende laaa...keh keh...patutnye doktor tu wat kes aku ni...xwat laa...sbb aku dh wat kat swasta 12/2 ari tu...heheeh...pastu aku kate aku ade muntah2..then doktor bg aku ubat utk morning sickness
P/s:kepada sesiapa yg dftar kat klinik kerajaan, jgn ckp yg korang dh scan kat swasta yerr...

Jupe Misi buat kali ngelast : jupe misi hok ni..tetapkan tarikh scan utk 20 minggu...iaitu pd 4/5/2008. pastu set appointment utk pemeriksaan gigi iaitu pd esk 26/2/2008. Aku mmg menantikan saat jupe dr. gigi ni...dh la gigi tgh sakit Pastu misi tetapkan tarikh seterusnye wat pemeriksaan iaitu pd 23/3/2008.

So...sekian la pengalaman aku untuk dikongsi bersame sape2 yg nk tau...adios..amigos...
Ari jumaat ni jupe my Darling Hubby....yea yea...wah...missed him so much...huhu

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hubby's Besday...

Today is my hubby's besday....quite sedih gak laa..sbb...dh kawen pn still sambut besday sorg2...dakpe2...tgu jelah ujung bulan ni ek...syg balik kch...kt tunda sambutan besday abg time tu ek... Ni lagu besday & wish utk abg...

Hepi Besday To U.....
Hepi Besday To U.....
Hepi Besday To My Hubby....
Hepi Besday To U....
  • moge panjang umo
  • dimurahkan rezeki
  • hepi sokmo..
  • keje leklok...nanti naik gaji lg...
  • Sayang sayanggg abang...

Monday, February 11, 2008

Ni Kes Boring.....

Ape nk buat bile keluar je dari opis untuk ari nih :
  • Tengok Bleach 159 - amende laa...nk jd mak org pn suke lg tgk anime nih...hehehe
  • Tengok Yakitate! Japan - siri anime ttg roti kat animax...hehehe
  • Main game terbaru yg didonlod smlm....dh install, tp x sempat main lg
  • Tgk House...hehehe..febret TV Series
  • Bayo kete dulu....duk tangguh sokmo..seb baik due date lmbt lg
  • Nak makan nasik - ari ni xmkn nasik lg
  • Nak tdo jap laa...ngantuk sgt nih...
  • Apsl aku lenguh2 badan ni???
Untuk esk lak :
  • Buat n amik spek baru - spek bajet dlm rm100 jer...huhu
  • Beli simcard happy :)
  • Amik duit kat bank
  • Try kol Cik Jue tanye baju yg tempah dh siap lom
  • Try kol JHEAT - kot2 kad kawen dh siap ( dah 2 bln pn xsiap2 lg, mende laaa)
  • Bersambung esk lak laaaa...hehe
Segale bende di atas sengaja diisi pada masa2 lapang,,,hehehe..memandangkan i dun receive any joke today...huhu

Spek Patah...

Huhu....spek KIKI nye pasal la nih.... (untuk pengetahuan anda, KIKI adalah anak kucing comey yg baru ade di umah sy...adik telah membawanya balik dr JB)...

Ada pn KIKI ni adalah sangat buas..keje die....main..mkn...tdo...pastu main lg..pastu makan lg,...pastu tido...

Alkisahnya...semase tdo smlm....aku letak la spek aku tu kat atas sofa...pastu...bile pg tu...tau2 je aku dh terpijak spek aku tuh...bile mase lak spek tu ade atas lantai??? ni mmg xde keje lain...keje si KIKI tu... maybe die main kejar2 ngan FIFI semalam (untuk pengetahuan semua, FIFI adalah kucing dewasa yang dibela sejak dari kecik...kire senior dr KIKI perangai die pn serupe ngan KIKI, main, makan...tdo...pastu main kejar2 antara 2 ekor tuh)...

Ari ni nk kene wat spek baru...xkn nk pakai contact lens 24 jam...kan? huhu..

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I'm Such A Loner...huhu~~huhu~~

It's been quite some time i didn't post anything here...well...quite nothing to life was rather borink than exciting...huhu....eating..sleeping...watching tv...surfing..bla bla bla...huhu...

Until last nite...i realize that there's nothing happens to me for quite some time...

I missed my hubby very very much...i need him to take care of me...i need him to comfort me...i need him to accompany baby has reached 9 weeks..and i need to start seeing doctors...go to clinic...and trust hubby didn't have the chance to sent me to the clinic...and i have to go all by myself...

Bile dh selalu muntah2 camni...pening2...everytime i've been thinking of my hubby...feeling the suffer alone...go to bed alone...go to clinic alone....go to work also alone....then...i realize..."Hairina, now u're such a loner!"

Trust's not easy to be living alone eventhough u're married...furthermore...u're husband lived far...far enough that not every week or month boleh jumpe...if my hubby was in Peninsular Malaysia.,..then it would be easy...but..he's in Kuching...i can't see him every week, or every month...ataupun jarang sekali la kalu nk jupe setiap ari...

i know, preggy should not stressed themselves... but i feel bad...this is not it should be...this is not what i want when i'm married..eventhough when i pregnant... i believe the pregnant women will bersabar dengan apa jua keadaan.... but it's not ME! i'm not perfect...i'm just a human...i need someone to take care of comfort me...but...look at me now...

Seem to me that my 'Bosses' didn't allow me to transfer to KUching Office...They had plan on me (or not)... From what i heard...i will be staying in this Terengganu Office until the project is done.. HELLO!! To all my bosses..i have family to take care of too.... I need my husband. My husband need me.. my baby need his/her father... Xkan la aku nk stay kat trg ni sampai bile2! When keep thinking bout that heart cried in pain... for how long i'll be like this?? Can't anybody understands me?? i'm a human too.... a women... a pregnant women! Can't anybody explain or tell me...what will happen to me in the future (This quote are for the Bosses).
pls help me.....don't let me wandering like this....but...i thing for sure...if i still going on like this...maybe it's time to say Gudbye... Maybe they don't want me anymore...i understand...but pls...tell me sooner so that i can prepare...i also want to plan on my future life....


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Recent Updates

Erm.....helluuu...agak lame dh xpost pape kat sini....quite bz recently...

Alaa...bkn bz sgt kot...kene bertugas kat Wisma Darul Iman....Blogger kene block laa...frenster, ym, fotopages etc... Konon jd System Support...padahal habuk pn tadak...buat jd ngantuk lg adelaa...borink siot...baik duk kat opis..leh gak wat keje...takat duk kat Wisma tu..ape2 keje pn xjd...kwn siap suh tgk movie lg...ikut ati..nk je kunci bilik tu...tdo..abis citer..hehe chatted with bakyah & nini...wah....kene marah & bebel ngan bakyah lg...apsl x g check...apsl main2...apsl x serius...wahhh...saye ni 1st time mengandung laa...xtau pn nk kene wat ape...igtkan biar je mase berlalu...huhuhu with nini...byk kongsi tips...best2...nini gave me picture of afif when he was only 9 weeks...hehehe....best2...

Bile lak aku nk g scan ni...mgu dpn laaa....setelah mengikut kate2 bakyah n nini...better g mgu dpn...scan kat swasta....n daftar kat klinik kerajaan...

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Another Joke


This is hilarious...even an Englishman could not construct sentences using numbers!
Exclusively only to great Malaysian and Singaporean...

Ah Lek was asked to make a sentence using 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10 . Not only did he do it 1 to 10, he did it again back to 1.

This was what he came up with...

1 day I go 2 climb up a 3 outside a house to peep. But the couple saw me, so I panic and 4 down. The man rush out and wanted to 5 with me. I run so fast until I fall 6 and throw up. So I go into 7 eleven and grab some 8 to throw at him. Then I took a 9 and try to stab him. 10 God he run away. So, I put the 9 back and pay for the 8 and left 7 eleven.

Next day, I call my boss and say I am 6 . He said 5 , tomorrow also no need to come back 4 work. He also asks me to climb a 3 and jump down. I don't understand, I so nice 2 him but I don't know what he 1 .

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Joke a day makes the stress go away

Given by one of my opismate...Layang....

Kereta penuh

Satu keluarga yang berasal dari Terengganu nak balik beraya di kampung, tapi cuma ada sebuah Kancil je untuk tujuh orang ahli keluarga tersebut. Maka si ibu kepada keluarga tersebut pun berkata,

Ibu: Guane nih..penuh kete. Dok muak ayoh mu wey!

Ayah: Betul jugok. Guane nok buak nih? Lamo dok sapa kampong.

Ibu: Tujuh oghang dokleh sumbak masuk kete kancil nih. kecik do'oh.

Mereka pun memerah otak memikirkan macam mana nak menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Ruang terlalu sempit untuk tujuh orang, tiba-tiba anak mereka yang paling kecil berkata...

Anak: Abah, umi... Awang tau doh guane nok buak. Kite skarang ade tujuh oghang. Tamboh la soghang lagi. baru jadik 'LAPANG'...!!!

The Value of Leadership

Nothin to do today...feel quite borink & not well....

Based on my experience on working...there are many values or things that a leader should not miss when became a bos or entrepreneur.....

When i was first working here....i've been 'disuapkan' dengan plan2...yg mengatakan that 1 fine day... we'll be becoming entrepreneur...or maybe at least a leader for our own business... well...quite excited...never heard of any employer would say that to their employee...i guess my chances of having my own business terang...mmg akan bersuluh pn dh psg angan2...start dr mase bekerja 5 years time..i will have a business,...whether big or doesn't long as it's a, i dun have to go out of home...just doing it in my house..jadilah...

Buat keje...mmg la buat keje...excited sgt bekerja...projek kononnye abis bln 6 last year....then si tangguh ke bln 8 last year...then akhir tahun...then this february...gosh...i've been sick and bored on this's been almost 2 years now....n none of my dream for my career came true...i didn't get any permanent position...(been contract employee for 2 years!)...i've never have any business even the small one... n i even didn't sure what is my position after this project finished!

My parents said i'm too husband keep asking me why am i still staying...and me myself...keep thinking what will happen to my future... working for 2 years... no kwsp or socso... late salary payment.... everytime i want to have my holiday, i will have the warning (the other employee which is permanent, got no warning)... still a contract... who can tell me that i've best job in the world?

Last year...i had a great team... The IP team, maybe we're had a bad luck... all of my team had resign..starting with Mr. Y, then Mr. A, Miss S, Miss L. Mr. R, Mr. I and lastly...Miss S.'s just me...who left... i dunno what happen..but obviously...the IP team didn't had any good luck. Lepas sorg..sorg xde...sedangkan keje berlambak2...then...i dunno what had happen...maybe when u're doing the IP, it becomes more complicated to all.

My advice : don't work with the S company if u can't stand the above situation...
  1. Their bosses like to blame on someone else walaupun dh terang2 tu salah dorg
  2. Small matters will become the big matters.
  3. They will intrude or ask bosses from ur company to fired u if they not satisfied with u
  4. They will get angry without any questioning why and what really happened
  5. They will come out with their own solution without even refer to the employee whether can do it or not
  6. There is no word 'NO'. Must alwiz say 'YES'
  7. As an employee, u must really ready to 'ambik ati' dorg
  8. Their employee cannot have holiday such as Raya Haji or Krismas...but they can... and don't disturb them while they on the vacation. But if the employee on the vacation...they can disturb.
  9. They can disturb their employee even though the employee on MC or Wedding.
  10. They can talk good in front of u, but bad talk about u behind u
Well, it's just a bit lah...and in my workplace...there is such weird environment..for me....
  1. Who say...'Yes Bos', 'OK', 'Baik', x banyak songeh, x memberontak, x mintak gaji time awal bulan, x berkongsi masalah ngan bos = then u will get to be the permanent staff.
  2. Who say.... 'Why', 'Apsl Jd Gitu', 'Sy xkan pegi or buat sbb xde duit', 'Sy xde duit nk dtg keje', 'Saye xlarat nk layan PM', 'PM hampeh', 'Apsl lak sy nk buat, bkn skop keje sy pn' = then u'll alwiz become the contract worker. and will never be appreciated.
  3. Nowadays, i just see there is too many differences between, likeable or not likeable staff. If the Likeable Staff ask to do something...or many things....they's ok...we can do it...besides...u too have many jobs...smpi xmenang tgn. But if the unlikeable staff ask to do something..they said, apsl aku lak kene wat...bkn skop keje aku...die kan xde keje...die buat ape..tu bkn keje die ke.... then, i realize... it's not the issues on the scope of work...but Likeable or not pada staff itu sendri. If the staff was the unlikeable....everything that staf tu buat...xpandang pn, ade je xkene...pastu nk suh ubah mcm2...but...if the staff is likeable...they just accept...ok...baguslah camni...if there's somethin wrong...ckp elok2...
Then..i feel sorry for my ex-team..the IP team...they had done so many work...great work...but never been appreciated... It's all becoz of u... CONGRATES TO ALL my EX-TEAMS.... i'm also want to apologize if what am i saying before, makes all of u hurting... i am also dunno whether my services here are needed or not.... and i am no longer contacting all of my ex-teams...maybe they hating me...huhu..waaaaaawaaaa.....

erm....brape lame dh duk membebel ni..rasenye nk membebel kene susun point2 dulu la ek... till then,.,,chalooo

Monday, January 28, 2008

Perkampungan Hadhari 2008

Dapat berita yg sy kene jage booth T-eG kat Perkampungan Hadhari. Perkampungan hadhari ini diadakan di Pulau Wan Man aka Taman Tamadun Islam aka Masjid Kristal.... Apelah nasib...mule2 dh bg mcm2 alasan dh xnk kene g gak..arap2 la toilet dkt...sng aku nk ulang alik...huhu... 1hb Februari : MB Trg nk dtg.... 3hb Februari : PM lak dtg... best tu mmg la nantilah..usha2 dulu...tgkla gane nanti...huhuhu

p/s : any information on the Perkampungan Hadhari in Taman Tamadun Islam, plz visiti

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Becoming Mama?

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Keep vomiting....perut rase xsedap....kalu banyak berjalan kompom asik nk vomit... i think i can't g toilet...kalu g toilet je...trus muntah...huhuh...xbestnye...

My unofficial doctor is Siti FAirus Asahar... the good fren of mine since MRSM PC...been told of so many tips and help me out with the sickness... Thanx to Peyuh...Luv u.... She gave me link to the useful website for preggy...

My hubby didn't live with's all depends on me...i'm all alone with this sickness... huhuh... miss my hubby very much... Nape lah ktorg xley duk same2 lg...sedeynye... ntah smpi bile projek sini nk abis..byk songeh la plak...

But if the project success...dunno ape status keje lak...huhu....apelah nasib...

p/s: bile me n my hubby leh duduk same2 nih....

1st Entry

Ermmm.....My 1st Entry would be.....

Status dh bertukar...dari Miss ke Mrs... Rase pelik lak bile org panggil Mrs Hairina or Puan Hairina.... Macam rasenye Cik or Miss tu lagi sedap didengar...hehehe...

Date of Solemnisation : 30 November 2007
Time of Solemnisation : 11.15 a.m

p/s : Luv my hubby very very much....