Keep vomiting....perut rase xsedap....kalu banyak berjalan kompom asik nk vomit... i think i can't g toilet...kalu g toilet je...trus muntah...huhuh...xbestnye...
My unofficial doctor is Siti FAirus Asahar... the good fren of mine since MRSM PC...been told of so many tips and help me out with the sickness... Thanx to Peyuh...Luv u.... She gave me link to the useful website for preggy... http://www.sofeminine.co.uk.
My hubby didn't live with me...so...it's all depends on me...i'm all alone with this sickness... huhuh... miss my hubby very much... Nape lah ktorg xley duk same2 lg...sedeynye... ntah smpi bile projek sini nk abis..byk songeh la plak...
But if the project success...dunno ape status keje lak...huhu....apelah nasib...
p/s: bile me n my hubby leh duduk same2 nih....
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