Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Recent Updates

Erm.....helluuu...agak lame dh xpost pape kat sini....quite bz recently...

Alaa...bkn bz sgt kot...kene bertugas kat Wisma Darul Iman....Blogger kene block laa...frenster, ym, fotopages etc... Konon jd System Support...padahal habuk pn tadak...buat jd ngantuk lg adelaa...borink siot...baik duk kat opis..leh gak wat keje...takat duk kat Wisma tu..ape2 keje pn xjd...kwn siap suh tgk movie lg...ikut ati..nk je kunci bilik tu...tdo..abis citer..hehe

Well...today chatted with bakyah & nini...wah....kene marah & bebel ngan bakyah lg...apsl x g check...apsl main2...apsl x serius...wahhh...saye ni 1st time mengandung laa...xtau pn nk kene wat ape...igtkan biar je mase berlalu...huhuhu

PAstu..chat with nini...byk kongsi tips...best2...nini gave me picture of afif when he was only 9 weeks...hehehe....best2...

Bile lak aku nk g scan ni...mgu dpn laaa....setelah mengikut kate2 bakyah n nini...better g mgu dpn...scan kat swasta....n daftar kat klinik kerajaan...