Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dilemma lg...

Dilemma lg... x abis2 ngan dilemma... ape nk jd ntah... citernye begini... ari kamis ni... ade meeting beso gedabok... padahal... waktu tu... sy ade agenda yg beso gedabok gok.. melibatkan masa depan sy... so.. which one to choose... i think maybe the one that effect my future the most laa... kan? kalu korg cemane? Not to mention everybody... but i hope my senior/boss didn't find out... walaupun pada hari kejadian nanti...gerenti la my big boss would know.. but what to do aaa?? what to say? need to prepared the reason and accept the consequences... huhuhu... ape2 pn... thanks to all my project teams... very understanding and helpful... hopefully everything will be fine dan sy sgt2 la terhutang budi ngan anda semua... wish me luck kay....


myranaqi said...

baik k.hai fkir leklok..
g je hri khamis ni..
ms dpn lgi pnting kn...
team member ada kn..leh cover ar..
caiyok2 k..