1. Name one person who made you laugh last night?
>> Nabil (cite Raja Lawak Astro tuh)
2. What were you doing at 0800?
>> Tido lg (malas nak bangun nak g Klinik Kesihatan Bukit Tunggal)...
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
>> Makan kat warung depan Bynabytes (tak best n mahal)
4. What happened to you in 2006?
>> Convo... (tu jer yg igt)
5. What was the last thing you said out loud?
>> erm....xde kot
6. How many beverages did you have today?
>> 2
7.What color is your hairbrush?
>> black
8. What was the last thing you paid for?
>> makan tengahari
9. Where were you last night?
>> at home laa...
10. What color is your front door?
>> brown
11. Where do you keep your change?
>> dlm tabung kobis (kobis? org bg adiah kawen aaaa)...
12. What's the weather like today?
>> justtttt nice.....
13. What's the best ice-cream flavor?
>> chocolate, caramel, vanilla, strawberry...sume laaa....
14. What excites you?
>> meeting my hubby...miss you so much darling...
15. Do you want to cut your hair?
>> yes..bile malas nk jage rambut panjang
16. Are you over the age of 25?
>> borderline...heheheh..25 laaa
17. Do you talk a lot?
>> ohohoho....you bet! I think at times, I talked too much!
18. Do you watch the O.C ?
>> Nope...x minat
19. Do you know anyone named Steven?
>> Nope
20. Do you make up your own words?
>> not that I know of....ahakss...
21. Are you a jealous person?
>> sort of...but...yelah...
22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ' A '?
>> Aida, Azza, Aemy, Anis dll
23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ' K '?
>> Kenny Rogers...heheheh...erm...sape ek..kam kot..x-cmax dulu
24. Who's the first person on your received call list?
>> Hubby
25. What does the last text message your received say?
>> Ktrg g opis bando jap. Kak ju nk print n ambk brg...(msg by ona)
26. Do you chew on your straw?
>> No....what for? I am not THAT hungry! Hahaha...
27. Do you have curly hair?
>> Nope...
28. Where's the next place you're going to?
>> BAlik umah...borink ah duk cni...
29. Who's the rudest person in life?
>> Can't remember....buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih
30. What was the last thing you ate?
>> NAsik ngan sambal hati ayam...yummy yummy.....
31. Will you get married in the future?
>> I am happily married to my dearest hubby...so this question is not applicable! Hahaha...
32. What's the best movie you've seen in the past 2 weeks?
>> Transformers
33. Is there anyone you like right now?
>> All....
34. When was the last time you did the last wishes?
>> 9.00 pm...
35. Are you currently depressed?
>> Not now, actually I'm happy today...my hubby made my day!
36. Did you cry today?
>> No...
37. Why did you answer and post ni?
>> It's been a long time since I last answer test papers! Hahaha!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Pemeriksaan Gigi
Ari ni kene g pekse gigi lak...seperti bese...mcm 1st time ari tu...kat klinik Kesihatan Bukit Tunggal. Patutnye kene g kol 8, tp sbb pg td ujan..sedap lak tdo..dh la aku xbape lena tido smlm...dok tau bakpe...
Tgk2...jam dh kol 8.30pg...then dlm kol 8.45 baghu bertolak ke klinik tu...pegi jer...dpt no. 36 laa...wah...lmbt siott...padahal nk kene check gigi jer...
Tunggu....tunggu...tunggu....sampaila kol 9.45...baghu tiba giliran aku....tp sblm g check gigi...kene amik tekanan darah dulu....resultnye 100/60... ok x? oklah kot...misi tu kate comey doh...
Pastu g klinik gigi lak...doktor check...aku bgtau la sbb ape aku sakit gigi kiri n kanan aku nih....die kate yg gigi belah kiri tu sbb die tumbuh ala ke pipi sket...sbb tu kadang2 sakit....yg gigi belah kanan lak...sbb nk tumbuh gigi baru...hak hak... lawak lak... nk dpt anak...tp gigi bongsu lak baghu tumbuh...mende aaaa... x seswai...dh la baby dlm perut ni nk gune kalsium...aku pn nk gune kalsium lak utk gigi baru tumbuh...lawak tol...so...mmg kene banyakkan pengambilan KALSIUM yer....hehe
Psl keje lak..not much to do...dh la borink duk opis tekukur nih...xbest langsung...tempat mkn jauh...tempat shopping jauh...tempat jalan2 pn jauh...n believe me...this week...need to spend more on the gas...huhu...
lapo nih....opis mate xbalik2 lg...tgu mihun yg dorg tapau...huhuhu....
p/s: dlm 2-3 ari nih...aku sokmo termimpi2...makan mihun n mee goreng...apsal ah?
Tgk2...jam dh kol 8.30pg...then dlm kol 8.45 baghu bertolak ke klinik tu...pegi jer...dpt no. 36 laa...wah...lmbt siott...padahal nk kene check gigi jer...
Tunggu....tunggu...tunggu....sampaila kol 9.45...baghu tiba giliran aku....tp sblm g check gigi...kene amik tekanan darah dulu....resultnye 100/60... ok x? oklah kot...misi tu kate comey doh...
Pastu g klinik gigi lak...doktor check...aku bgtau la sbb ape aku sakit gigi kiri n kanan aku nih....die kate yg gigi belah kiri tu sbb die tumbuh ala ke pipi sket...sbb tu kadang2 sakit....yg gigi belah kanan lak...sbb nk tumbuh gigi baru...hak hak... lawak lak... nk dpt anak...tp gigi bongsu lak baghu tumbuh...mende aaaa... x seswai...dh la baby dlm perut ni nk gune kalsium...aku pn nk gune kalsium lak utk gigi baru tumbuh...lawak tol...so...mmg kene banyakkan pengambilan KALSIUM yer....hehe
Psl keje lak..not much to do...dh la borink duk opis tekukur nih...xbest langsung...tempat mkn jauh...tempat shopping jauh...tempat jalan2 pn jauh...n believe me...this week...need to spend more on the gas...huhu...
lapo nih....opis mate xbalik2 lg...tgu mihun yg dorg tapau...huhuhu....
p/s: dlm 2-3 ari nih...aku sokmo termimpi2...makan mihun n mee goreng...apsal ah?
Monday, February 25, 2008
4 Days To Go....
So hepi lately.... x sabo2 nk balik Kuching...ley jupe my hubby...hehehe......
Perkembangan Terbaru : erm...opis dh berpindah ke Kg Tekukur....agak xbest laa...tp best gak...kire mcm masih dlm mood berpindah...so..waktu opis tu xde la fix sgt...
Smlm pegi wat Kad Ibu Mengandung kat Klinik Kesihatan Bukit Tunggal. Pegi kol 7.30 pg..jd org nombor 1... tp abis kol 9.30 pg...2 jam tu...
Mule2 daftar personal details...buat kad...pastu amik darah...pastu timbang berat badan...pastu check urine..pastu check HIV...pastu check Hb...pastu jupe Doktor.
Buat kad : nurse akan tanye perihal peribadi ibu n bapak... xpayah ic bapa pn xpe...xpayah surat kawen pn xpe... hehehe... ade ke misi (nurse) tu tanye skolah smpi mane? aku jwb la SPM...dh tanye skolah...lain la tanye tahap pendidikan... patutnye letak degree..xpelah...xkesah pn.
Tgh isi kad tu, ade sorg ibu mengandung tu...die kene minum air gule..mule2 amik darah, sbb lengan die xnmpk urat..kene la amik kat tgn...misi tu kate sakit sket...aku tgk patient tu ok jer..pastu sampai la time minum air gule...die mcm nk muntah...misi tu tegur laa...minum kene laju2..kalu dok laju...kekg rase nok muntah...huhu..sian lak...jgn la aku jd cenggitu...huhu
Amik darah : misi kate die nk amik darah byk sket...sbb ade 2 ujian, 1 untuk kumpulan darah, 1 lg utk test jangkitan ape2...aku ok jer...tp nervous gak laa...mule2 misi tu tgk lengan..."ish..mcm xnmpk gak urat nih"...waaaa...xmo amik darah kat tgn...xmo..xmo...pastu misi tu carik2 urat kat lengan...ade rupenye...nmpk la jugak timbulnye...heheh..seb baik kulit den puteh sket...heheh...sesi mengambil darah berjalan lancar
Timbang berat badan & tekanan darah : well..memula timbang dulu...berat aku 56 kg...huhuhu naik dh 2 kilo..dulu lps kawen baghu 54 kg...misi tu kate..."ni berat awak mase awak mule2 hamil yerr"...aku ok jer...kat umah mmg ade penimbang pn...mmg aku sokmo timbang pn...x terkejut la plak....pastu die check tekanan darah...kiri & kanan lengan...die kate "comey dh tekanan darah awak ni"...hehe..aku bangge jap..ehhee...
Test urine & hb : pastu g makmal...the other side of the building...berjalan la sket...masuk2 jer...mane aku nk g ni? mane makmal ni? Last2 ade sorg pregnant patient tu...tunjuk jalan ke aku...suh letak kad dlm bakul...n then amik bekas urine ikut nombor giliran...hehehe....lawak gak laa....mane la aku tau..pastu amik urine...letak kat tray...then tgu result...
Bile name dipanggil, misi tu test darah utk HIV and Hb...resultnye...urine ok, HIV negative and Hb 11.0.
Jupe Doktor : Then lps sume di atas, letak kad kat dalam bakul luar bilik doktor n tgu misi doktor tu panggil. Jupe doktor, kene baring.,..doktor try tekan2 perut...pastu doktor tanye "ade x rase baby awak bergerak?" aku pn jwb dengan tertanye2..."erm...xde kot" hhehehe...btol laaa...mane rase lg...mende laaa...keh keh...patutnye doktor tu wat scan...tp kes aku ni...xwat laa...sbb aku dh wat kat swasta 12/2 ari tu...heheeh...pastu aku kate aku ade muntah2..then doktor bg aku ubat utk morning sickness
P/s:kepada sesiapa yg dftar kat klinik kerajaan, jgn ckp yg korang dh scan kat swasta yerr...
Jupe Misi buat kali ngelast : jupe misi hok ni..tetapkan tarikh scan utk 20 minggu...iaitu pd 4/5/2008. pastu set appointment utk pemeriksaan gigi iaitu pd esk 26/2/2008. Aku mmg menantikan saat jupe dr. gigi ni...dh la gigi tgh sakit ni...hehe..yahoo...besh2... Pastu misi tetapkan tarikh seterusnye wat pemeriksaan iaitu pd 23/3/2008.
So...sekian la pengalaman aku untuk dikongsi bersame sape2 yg nk tau...adios..amigos...
Ari jumaat ni jupe my Darling Hubby....yea yea...wah...missed him so much...huhu
Perkembangan Terbaru : erm...opis dh berpindah ke Kg Tekukur....agak xbest laa...tp best gak...kire mcm masih dlm mood berpindah...so..waktu opis tu xde la fix sgt...
Smlm pegi wat Kad Ibu Mengandung kat Klinik Kesihatan Bukit Tunggal. Pegi kol 7.30 pg..jd org nombor 1... tp abis kol 9.30 pg...2 jam tu...
Mule2 daftar personal details...buat kad...pastu amik darah...pastu timbang berat badan...pastu check urine..pastu check HIV...pastu check Hb...pastu jupe Doktor.
Buat kad : nurse akan tanye perihal peribadi ibu n bapak... xpayah ic bapa pn xpe...xpayah surat kawen pn xpe... hehehe... ade ke misi (nurse) tu tanye skolah smpi mane? aku jwb la SPM...dh tanye skolah...lain la tanye tahap pendidikan... patutnye letak degree..xpelah...xkesah pn.
Tgh isi kad tu, ade sorg ibu mengandung tu...die kene minum air gule..mule2 amik darah, sbb lengan die xnmpk urat..kene la amik kat tgn...misi tu kate sakit sket...aku tgk patient tu ok jer..pastu sampai la time minum air gule...die mcm nk muntah...misi tu tegur laa...minum kene laju2..kalu dok laju...kekg rase nok muntah...huhu..sian lak...jgn la aku jd cenggitu...huhu
Amik darah : misi kate die nk amik darah byk sket...sbb ade 2 ujian, 1 untuk kumpulan darah, 1 lg utk test jangkitan ape2...aku ok jer...tp nervous gak laa...mule2 misi tu tgk lengan..."ish..mcm xnmpk gak urat nih"...waaaa...xmo amik darah kat tgn...xmo..xmo...pastu misi tu carik2 urat kat lengan...ade rupenye...nmpk la jugak timbulnye...heheh..seb baik kulit den puteh sket...heheh...sesi mengambil darah berjalan lancar
Timbang berat badan & tekanan darah : well..memula timbang dulu...berat aku 56 kg...huhuhu naik dh 2 kilo..dulu lps kawen baghu 54 kg...misi tu kate..."ni berat awak mase awak mule2 hamil yerr"...aku ok jer...kat umah mmg ade penimbang pn...mmg aku sokmo timbang pn...x terkejut la plak....pastu die check tekanan darah...kiri & kanan lengan...die kate "comey dh tekanan darah awak ni"...hehe..aku bangge jap..ehhee...
Test urine & hb : pastu g makmal...the other side of the building...berjalan la sket...masuk2 jer...mane aku nk g ni? mane makmal ni? Last2 ade sorg pregnant patient tu...tunjuk jalan ke aku...suh letak kad dlm bakul...n then amik bekas urine ikut nombor giliran...hehehe....lawak gak laa....mane la aku tau..pastu amik urine...letak kat tray...then tgu result...
Bile name dipanggil, misi tu test darah utk HIV and Hb...resultnye...urine ok, HIV negative and Hb 11.0.
Jupe Doktor : Then lps sume di atas, letak kad kat dalam bakul luar bilik doktor n tgu misi doktor tu panggil. Jupe doktor, kene baring.,..doktor try tekan2 perut...pastu doktor tanye "ade x rase baby awak bergerak?" aku pn jwb dengan tertanye2..."erm...xde kot" hhehehe...btol laaa...mane rase lg...mende laaa...keh keh...patutnye doktor tu wat scan...tp kes aku ni...xwat laa...sbb aku dh wat kat swasta 12/2 ari tu...heheeh...pastu aku kate aku ade muntah2..then doktor bg aku ubat utk morning sickness
P/s:kepada sesiapa yg dftar kat klinik kerajaan, jgn ckp yg korang dh scan kat swasta yerr...
Jupe Misi buat kali ngelast : jupe misi hok ni..tetapkan tarikh scan utk 20 minggu...iaitu pd 4/5/2008. pastu set appointment utk pemeriksaan gigi iaitu pd esk 26/2/2008. Aku mmg menantikan saat jupe dr. gigi ni...dh la gigi tgh sakit ni...hehe..yahoo...besh2... Pastu misi tetapkan tarikh seterusnye wat pemeriksaan iaitu pd 23/3/2008.
So...sekian la pengalaman aku untuk dikongsi bersame sape2 yg nk tau...adios..amigos...
Ari jumaat ni jupe my Darling Hubby....yea yea...wah...missed him so much...huhu
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Hubby's Besday...

Hepi Besday To U.....
Hepi Besday To U.....
Hepi Besday To My Hubby....
Hepi Besday To U....
- moge panjang umo
- dimurahkan rezeki
- hepi sokmo..
- keje leklok...nanti naik gaji lg...
- Sayang sayanggg abang...
Monday, February 11, 2008
Ni Kes Boring.....
Ape nk buat bile keluar je dari opis untuk ari nih :
- Tengok Bleach 159 - amende laa...nk jd mak org pn suke lg tgk anime nih...hehehe
- Tengok Yakitate! Japan - siri anime ttg roti kat animax...hehehe
- Main game terbaru yg didonlod smlm....dh install, tp x sempat main lg
- Tgk House...hehehe..febret TV Series
- Bayo kete dulu....duk tangguh sokmo..seb baik due date lmbt lg
- Nak makan nasik - ari ni xmkn nasik lg
- Nak tdo jap laa...ngantuk sgt nih...
- Apsl aku lenguh2 badan ni???
- Buat n amik spek baru - spek bajet dlm rm100 jer...huhu
- Beli simcard happy :)
- Amik duit kat bank
- Try kol Cik Jue tanye baju yg tempah dh siap lom
- Try kol JHEAT - kot2 kad kawen dh siap ( dah 2 bln pn xsiap2 lg, mende laaa)
- Bersambung esk lak laaaa...hehe
Spek Patah...
Huhu....spek patah....ni KIKI nye pasal la nih.... (untuk pengetahuan anda, KIKI adalah anak kucing comey yg baru ade di umah sy...adik telah membawanya balik dr JB)...
Ada pn KIKI ni adalah sangat buas..keje die....main..mkn...tdo...pastu main lg..pastu makan lg,...pastu tido...
Alkisahnya...semase tdo smlm....aku letak la spek aku tu kat atas sofa...pastu...bile pg tu...tau2 je aku dh terpijak spek aku tuh...bile mase lak spek tu ade atas lantai??? ni mmg xde keje lain...keje si KIKI tu... maybe die main kejar2 ngan FIFI semalam (untuk pengetahuan semua, FIFI adalah kucing dewasa yang dibela sejak dari kecik...kire senior dr KIKI laa...tp perangai die pn serupe ngan KIKI, main, makan...tdo...pastu main kejar2 antara 2 ekor tuh)...
Ari ni nk kene wat spek baru...xkn nk pakai contact lens 24 jam...kan? huhu..
Ada pn KIKI ni adalah sangat buas..keje die....main..mkn...tdo...pastu main lg..pastu makan lg,...pastu tido...
Alkisahnya...semase tdo smlm....aku letak la spek aku tu kat atas sofa...pastu...bile pg tu...tau2 je aku dh terpijak spek aku tuh...bile mase lak spek tu ade atas lantai??? ni mmg xde keje lain...keje si KIKI tu... maybe die main kejar2 ngan FIFI semalam (untuk pengetahuan semua, FIFI adalah kucing dewasa yang dibela sejak dari kecik...kire senior dr KIKI laa...tp perangai die pn serupe ngan KIKI, main, makan...tdo...pastu main kejar2 antara 2 ekor tuh)...
Ari ni nk kene wat spek baru...xkn nk pakai contact lens 24 jam...kan? huhu..
Sunday, February 10, 2008
I'm Such A Loner...huhu~~huhu~~
It's been quite some time i didn't post anything here...well...quite nothing to post...my life was rather borink than exciting...huhu....eating..sleeping...watching tv...surfing..bla bla bla...huhu...
Until last nite...i realize that there's nothing happens to me for quite some time...
I missed my hubby very very much...i need him to take care of me...i need him to comfort me...i need him to accompany me...my baby has reached 9 weeks..and i need to start seeing doctors...go to clinic...and trust me...my hubby didn't have the chance to sent me to the clinic...and i have to go all by myself...
Bile dh selalu muntah2 camni...pening2...everytime i've been thinking of my hubby...feeling the suffer alone...go to bed alone...go to clinic alone....go to work also alone....then...i realize..."Hairina, now u're such a loner!"
Trust me..it's not easy to be living alone eventhough u're married...furthermore...u're husband lived far...far enough that not every week or month boleh jumpe...if my hubby was in Peninsular Malaysia.,..then it would be easy...but..he's in Kuching...i can't see him every week, or every month...ataupun jarang sekali la kalu nk jupe setiap ari...
i know, preggy should not stressed themselves... but i feel bad...this is not it should be...this is not what i want when i'm married..eventhough when i pregnant... i believe the pregnant women will bersabar dengan apa jua keadaan.... but it's not ME! i'm not perfect...i'm just a human...i need someone to take care of me...to comfort me...but...look at me now...
Seem to me that my 'Bosses' didn't allow me to transfer to KUching Office...They had plan on me (or not)... From what i heard...i will be staying in this Terengganu Office until the project is done.. HELLO!! To all my bosses..i have family to take care of too.... I need my husband. My husband need me.. my baby need his/her father... Xkan la aku nk stay kat trg ni sampai bile2! When keep thinking bout that matters....my heart cried in pain... for how long i'll be like this?? Can't anybody understands me?? i'm a human too.... a women... a pregnant women! Can't anybody explain or tell me...what will happen to me in the future (This quote are for the Bosses).
pls help me.....don't let me wandering like this....but...i thing for sure...if i still going on like this...maybe it's time to say Gudbye... Maybe they don't want me anymore...i understand...but pls...tell me sooner so that i can prepare...i also want to plan on my future life....
Until last nite...i realize that there's nothing happens to me for quite some time...
I missed my hubby very very much...i need him to take care of me...i need him to comfort me...i need him to accompany me...my baby has reached 9 weeks..and i need to start seeing doctors...go to clinic...and trust me...my hubby didn't have the chance to sent me to the clinic...and i have to go all by myself...
Bile dh selalu muntah2 camni...pening2...everytime i've been thinking of my hubby...feeling the suffer alone...go to bed alone...go to clinic alone....go to work also alone....then...i realize..."Hairina, now u're such a loner!"
Trust me..it's not easy to be living alone eventhough u're married...furthermore...u're husband lived far...far enough that not every week or month boleh jumpe...if my hubby was in Peninsular Malaysia.,..then it would be easy...but..he's in Kuching...i can't see him every week, or every month...ataupun jarang sekali la kalu nk jupe setiap ari...
i know, preggy should not stressed themselves... but i feel bad...this is not it should be...this is not what i want when i'm married..eventhough when i pregnant... i believe the pregnant women will bersabar dengan apa jua keadaan.... but it's not ME! i'm not perfect...i'm just a human...i need someone to take care of me...to comfort me...but...look at me now...
Seem to me that my 'Bosses' didn't allow me to transfer to KUching Office...They had plan on me (or not)... From what i heard...i will be staying in this Terengganu Office until the project is done.. HELLO!! To all my bosses..i have family to take care of too.... I need my husband. My husband need me.. my baby need his/her father... Xkan la aku nk stay kat trg ni sampai bile2! When keep thinking bout that matters....my heart cried in pain... for how long i'll be like this?? Can't anybody understands me?? i'm a human too.... a women... a pregnant women! Can't anybody explain or tell me...what will happen to me in the future (This quote are for the Bosses).
pls help me.....don't let me wandering like this....but...i thing for sure...if i still going on like this...maybe it's time to say Gudbye... Maybe they don't want me anymore...i understand...but pls...tell me sooner so that i can prepare...i also want to plan on my future life....
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Recent Updates
Erm.....helluuu...agak lame dh xpost pape kat sini....quite bz recently...
Alaa...bkn bz sgt kot...kene bertugas kat Wisma Darul Iman....Blogger kene block laa...frenster, ym, fotopages etc... Konon jd System Support...padahal habuk pn tadak...buat jd ngantuk lg adelaa...borink siot...baik duk kat opis..leh gak wat keje...takat duk kat Wisma tu..ape2 keje pn xjd...kwn siap suh tgk movie lg...ikut ati..nk je kunci bilik tu...tdo..abis citer..hehe
Well...today chatted with bakyah & nini...wah....kene marah & bebel ngan bakyah lg...apsl x g check...apsl main2...apsl x serius...wahhh...saye ni 1st time mengandung laa...xtau pn nk kene wat ape...igtkan biar je mase berlalu...huhuhu
PAstu..chat with nini...byk kongsi tips...best2...nini gave me picture of afif when he was only 9 weeks...hehehe....best2...
Bile lak aku nk g scan ni...mgu dpn laaa....setelah mengikut kate2 bakyah n nini...better g mgu dpn...scan kat swasta....n daftar kat klinik kerajaan...
Alaa...bkn bz sgt kot...kene bertugas kat Wisma Darul Iman....Blogger kene block laa...frenster, ym, fotopages etc... Konon jd System Support...padahal habuk pn tadak...buat jd ngantuk lg adelaa...borink siot...baik duk kat opis..leh gak wat keje...takat duk kat Wisma tu..ape2 keje pn xjd...kwn siap suh tgk movie lg...ikut ati..nk je kunci bilik tu...tdo..abis citer..hehe
Well...today chatted with bakyah & nini...wah....kene marah & bebel ngan bakyah lg...apsl x g check...apsl main2...apsl x serius...wahhh...saye ni 1st time mengandung laa...xtau pn nk kene wat ape...igtkan biar je mase berlalu...huhuhu
PAstu..chat with nini...byk kongsi tips...best2...nini gave me picture of afif when he was only 9 weeks...hehehe....best2...
Bile lak aku nk g scan ni...mgu dpn laaa....setelah mengikut kate2 bakyah n nini...better g mgu dpn...scan kat swasta....n daftar kat klinik kerajaan...
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