Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
A Joke a day makes the stress go away
Given by one of my opismate...Layang....
Kereta penuh
Satu keluarga yang berasal dari Terengganu nak balik beraya di kampung, tapi cuma ada sebuah Kancil je untuk tujuh orang ahli keluarga tersebut. Maka si ibu kepada keluarga tersebut pun berkata,
Ibu: Guane nih..penuh kete. Dok muak ayoh mu wey!
Ayah: Betul jugok. Guane nok buak nih? Lamo dok sapa kampong.
Ibu: Tujuh oghang dokleh sumbak masuk kete kancil nih. kecik do'oh.
Mereka pun memerah otak memikirkan macam mana nak menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Ruang terlalu sempit untuk tujuh orang, tiba-tiba anak mereka yang paling kecil berkata...
Anak: Abah, umi... Awang tau doh guane nok buak. Kite skarang ade tujuh oghang. Tamboh la soghang lagi. baru jadik 'LAPANG'...!!!
The Value of Leadership
Nothin to do today...feel quite borink & not well....
Based on my experience on working...there are many values or things that a leader should not miss when became a bos or entrepreneur.....
When i was first working here....i've been 'disuapkan' dengan plan2...yg mengatakan that 1 fine day... we'll be becoming entrepreneur...or maybe at least a leader for our own business... well...quite excited...never heard of any employer would say that to their employee...i guess my chances of having my own business terang...mmg akan bersuluh pn dh psg angan2...start dr mase bekerja 5 years time..i will have a business,...whether big or doesn't long as it's a, i dun have to go out of home...just doing it in my house..jadilah...
Buat keje...mmg la buat keje...excited sgt bekerja...projek kononnye abis bln 6 last year....then si tangguh ke bln 8 last year...then akhir tahun...then this february...gosh...i've been sick and bored on this's been almost 2 years now....n none of my dream for my career came true...i didn't get any permanent position...(been contract employee for 2 years!)...i've never have any business even the small one... n i even didn't sure what is my position after this project finished!
My parents said i'm too husband keep asking me why am i still staying...and me myself...keep thinking what will happen to my future... working for 2 years... no kwsp or socso... late salary payment.... everytime i want to have my holiday, i will have the warning (the other employee which is permanent, got no warning)... still a contract... who can tell me that i've best job in the world?
Last year...i had a great team... The IP team, maybe we're had a bad luck... all of my team had resign..starting with Mr. Y, then Mr. A, Miss S, Miss L. Mr. R, Mr. I and lastly...Miss S.'s just me...who left... i dunno what happen..but obviously...the IP team didn't had any good luck. Lepas sorg..sorg xde...sedangkan keje berlambak2...then...i dunno what had happen...maybe when u're doing the IP, it becomes more complicated to all.
My advice : don't work with the S company if u can't stand the above situation...
erm....brape lame dh duk membebel ni..rasenye nk membebel kene susun point2 dulu la ek... till then,.,,chalooo
Based on my experience on working...there are many values or things that a leader should not miss when became a bos or entrepreneur.....
When i was first working here....i've been 'disuapkan' dengan plan2...yg mengatakan that 1 fine day... we'll be becoming entrepreneur...or maybe at least a leader for our own business... well...quite excited...never heard of any employer would say that to their employee...i guess my chances of having my own business terang...mmg akan bersuluh pn dh psg angan2...start dr mase bekerja 5 years time..i will have a business,...whether big or doesn't long as it's a, i dun have to go out of home...just doing it in my house..jadilah...
Buat keje...mmg la buat keje...excited sgt bekerja...projek kononnye abis bln 6 last year....then si tangguh ke bln 8 last year...then akhir tahun...then this february...gosh...i've been sick and bored on this's been almost 2 years now....n none of my dream for my career came true...i didn't get any permanent position...(been contract employee for 2 years!)...i've never have any business even the small one... n i even didn't sure what is my position after this project finished!
My parents said i'm too husband keep asking me why am i still staying...and me myself...keep thinking what will happen to my future... working for 2 years... no kwsp or socso... late salary payment.... everytime i want to have my holiday, i will have the warning (the other employee which is permanent, got no warning)... still a contract... who can tell me that i've best job in the world?
Last year...i had a great team... The IP team, maybe we're had a bad luck... all of my team had resign..starting with Mr. Y, then Mr. A, Miss S, Miss L. Mr. R, Mr. I and lastly...Miss S.'s just me...who left... i dunno what happen..but obviously...the IP team didn't had any good luck. Lepas sorg..sorg xde...sedangkan keje berlambak2...then...i dunno what had happen...maybe when u're doing the IP, it becomes more complicated to all.
My advice : don't work with the S company if u can't stand the above situation...
- Their bosses like to blame on someone else walaupun dh terang2 tu salah dorg
- Small matters will become the big matters.
- They will intrude or ask bosses from ur company to fired u if they not satisfied with u
- They will get angry without any questioning why and what really happened
- They will come out with their own solution without even refer to the employee whether can do it or not
- There is no word 'NO'. Must alwiz say 'YES'
- As an employee, u must really ready to 'ambik ati' dorg
- Their employee cannot have holiday such as Raya Haji or Krismas...but they can... and don't disturb them while they on the vacation. But if the employee on the vacation...they can disturb.
- They can disturb their employee even though the employee on MC or Wedding.
- They can talk good in front of u, but bad talk about u behind u
- Who say...'Yes Bos', 'OK', 'Baik', x banyak songeh, x memberontak, x mintak gaji time awal bulan, x berkongsi masalah ngan bos = then u will get to be the permanent staff.
- Who say.... 'Why', 'Apsl Jd Gitu', 'Sy xkan pegi or buat sbb xde duit', 'Sy xde duit nk dtg keje', 'Saye xlarat nk layan PM', 'PM hampeh', 'Apsl lak sy nk buat, bkn skop keje sy pn' = then u'll alwiz become the contract worker. and will never be appreciated.
- Nowadays, i just see there is too many differences between, likeable or not likeable staff. If the Likeable Staff ask to do something...or many things....they's ok...we can do it...besides...u too have many jobs...smpi xmenang tgn. But if the unlikeable staff ask to do something..they said, apsl aku lak kene wat...bkn skop keje aku...die kan xde keje...die buat ape..tu bkn keje die ke.... then, i realize... it's not the issues on the scope of work...but Likeable or not pada staff itu sendri. If the staff was the unlikeable....everything that staf tu buat...xpandang pn, ade je xkene...pastu nk suh ubah mcm2...but...if the staff is likeable...they just accept...ok...baguslah camni...if there's somethin wrong...ckp elok2...
erm....brape lame dh duk membebel ni..rasenye nk membebel kene susun point2 dulu la ek... till then,.,,chalooo
Monday, January 28, 2008
Perkampungan Hadhari 2008
Dapat berita yg sy kene jage booth T-eG kat Perkampungan Hadhari. Perkampungan hadhari ini diadakan di Pulau Wan Man aka Taman Tamadun Islam aka Masjid Kristal.... Apelah nasib...mule2 dh bg mcm2 alasan dh xnk kene g gak..arap2 la toilet dkt...sng aku nk ulang alik...huhu... 1hb Februari : MB Trg nk dtg.... 3hb Februari : PM lak dtg... best tu mmg la nantilah..usha2 dulu...tgkla gane nanti...huhuhu
p/s : any information on the Perkampungan Hadhari in Taman Tamadun Islam, plz visiti
p/s : any information on the Perkampungan Hadhari in Taman Tamadun Islam, plz visiti
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Becoming Mama?

Keep vomiting....perut rase xsedap....kalu banyak berjalan kompom asik nk vomit... i think i can't g toilet...kalu g toilet je...trus muntah...huhuh...xbestnye...
My unofficial doctor is Siti FAirus Asahar... the good fren of mine since MRSM PC...been told of so many tips and help me out with the sickness... Thanx to Peyuh...Luv u.... She gave me link to the useful website for preggy...
My hubby didn't live with's all depends on me...i'm all alone with this sickness... huhuh... miss my hubby very much... Nape lah ktorg xley duk same2 lg...sedeynye... ntah smpi bile projek sini nk abis..byk songeh la plak...
But if the project success...dunno ape status keje lak...huhu....apelah nasib...
p/s: bile me n my hubby leh duduk same2 nih....
1st Entry

Ermmm.....My 1st Entry would be.....
Status dh bertukar...dari Miss ke Mrs... Rase pelik lak bile org panggil Mrs Hairina or Puan Hairina.... Macam rasenye Cik or Miss tu lagi sedap didengar...hehehe...
Date of Solemnisation : 30 November 2007
Time of Solemnisation : 11.15 a.m
p/s : Luv my hubby very very much....
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