Sunday, February 20, 2011

Newest Wishlist

ish ish ish... teringin... teringin nk ade bende2 nih... hahahaa

Waffle Maker (bkn ape... kalu nk mkn waffle je.. kene g kat dpn Hock Kee Seng tu... xde tmpt lain... skali skale... teringin gak nk wat sendri...)

and the other one is.......
Electric Grill (bkn ape... nk gak merase makan grill2 nih.. ala2 korean gitu... hahahaha)

so.. attention to Mr Hubby.. sempena besday yg akan dtg ni.. mntk bende nih leh... murah je tu.. xmahal mn... hahahhaa.. bkn ape... abg gak yg mkn kekg... hehehe.. utk kesenangan bersame... hehehe

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lagu Baru... Best!

Ok.. skrg ni kembali kepada demam korea... demam drama & lagu² korea....

Give Me - Nine Buses
OST Prosecutor Princess

That Man - Baek Ji Young
OST Secret Garden

Most Fav Scene 
so sweettttt.... so adorable..... hahahaha

2PM feat Chansung (2AM) - To Her

4minutes - HUH

Beast - Shock

and last but not least... sbnrnye byk lg.. tp kalu dh dgr lagu² di atas tu... mmg repeat sokmo ah...
G.Na & Rain - If u want a lover
OST Playful Kiss